10 months ago


Investment scams

The website Ipic-miners.cloud is believed to be conducting deceptive investment operations. They make grandiose promises of high returns on your investment, but once you transfer your funds, they vanish along with your money. The phone numbers listed on their site don’t seem to work anymore. The address of their supposed business premises mentioned on the site can’t be confirmed. They claim to operate under a business name that’s not officially registered in the state they purportedly operate from. The imagery on their site is false and misleading. Furthermore, the site has several incomplete pages, filled with generic content and filler text.

An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where the scammer promises high returns to the investor for their money. But after receiving the funds, the scammer disappears, leaving the investor with significant losses. These scams often involve fake companies, websites, and non-existent investment opportunities.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Phone disconnected
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
No SSL certificate
No terms & conditions
Investment scams are schemes that fraudsters use to deceive people into investing money with false promises. Typically, these scams offer high returns with no risk. It's a common characteristic. They create a sense of urgency as a tactic to rush people into making hasty decisions. These fraudsters often present themselves as experienced investors or financial advisors. They use sophisticated terminologies to sound legitimate. They might even show you impressive ‘proof’ of past success to win your trust. Many times, these scams are based on non-existent or worthless investments that include overseas properties, rare commodities, or cutting-edge technologies. They prefer unregulated or less-regulated investment products because there's less scrutiny from authorities and it's easier to hide their deceitful practices. In essence, if they promise no risk, high return, and rush you to invest, it’s likely an investment scam.


Illiino.com is under scrutiny for operating a sham online store. The content on this website seems unoriginal, mimicking materials from other similar websites. The products offered on this platform are counterfeit and might pose risks due to the poor quality of the materials used in their manufacture. The pictures featured on this site are not […]


Consumers have raised concerns about Baukjendress.com, claiming it to be a fraudulent online store. The website is relatively new, having been registered just 51 days prior to this report. It lacks a customer service phone number, which is a red flag for many potential customers. The site’s content lacks originality, seemingly copying from similar online […]


My-jewels.shop is operating a deceptive scheme. Their social media accounts lack any followers, indicating a lack of engagement or credibility. The website is filled with pages still in their development stage, brimming with default content and placeholder tags. The images shown on the site fail to provide a true representation of the products they’re selling. […]


Lluilema.com, a relatively new website at just 67 days old, has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The lack of a customer support phone number raises suspicions, as does the presence of copied content from other websites, casting doubt on its originality. Furthermore, the products advertised on this site are not genuine. They are […]


The website 2simpleagencys.shop is implicated in a loan scam operation. It is filled with incomplete pages that contain generic content and placeholder text. The company is conspicuously absent from all social media platforms. The products offered on this site are not authentic and could potentially be hazardous due to the substandard materials used in their […]

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