2 weeks ago


Crypto scams

Instantmaxai.com has been identified as a fraudulent crypto exchange platform, discovered just 102 days after its launch. The site lacks a customer service contact number and shows significant similarities to other dubious websites. It has no presence on major consumer review platforms and falsely claims online partnerships. Additionally, the website has no social media presence, further questioning its legitimacy.

A crypto exchange scam involves fraudulent platforms that deceive users by pretending to offer legitimate cryptocurrency trading services.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake partnerships
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A crypto exchange scam involves fraudsters creating a fake cryptocurrency exchange platform. They lure users with promises of high returns on investments and low transaction fees. These scammers often create professional-looking websites and may even use fake reviews to build credibility. They may offer exclusive deals and bonuses for early investors. Scammers often pressure users to act quickly, claiming limited availability. They might impersonate customer support to gain trust and encourage deposits. Once users deposit their funds, the scammers disappear. Victims find themselves unable to withdraw their money or contact the exchange. This results in significant financial loss for the users.


Collezionehome.com, a website noted to be just 95 days old, has been flagged for running a scam involving a fake store. It’s believed that the website is controlled and managed from China, providing further cause for concern. The products featured on the site are not genuine and their quality is questionable, due to the subpar […]


Basicfuture.top finds itself the subject of scam accusations. Promises of profits, high and enticing, lure potential investors to this crypto exchange platform. Sadly, these promises remain just that, with users reporting stolen money after transactions. A thorough search yields no independent reviews of the website, only what they themselves have published. Their social media presence […]


Iqstockderivoption.com, a relatively new website at just 78 days old, is under scrutiny for being a potential cryptocurrency exchange scam. The platform entices potential investors with the allure of substantial returns on their initial investments. However, it appears that these promises are hollow, as scammers allegedly take the deposited funds and disappear. Notably, there are […]


Digitalinvestment.ltd is a reported investment scam. They promise high profits, but once you invest, the scammers disappear with your money. The website has many unfinished pages filled with generic text and placeholder words. The partnerships they claim are fake. The photos on the site do not accurately represent their products. The website is new, only […]


On February 24, 2023, it was reported that Ourhostingwillbesecure.online is a deceptive and phishing website. This website uses fake Facebook pages that look like the real thing, showing posts that claim a person has won a prize, with comments that falsely claim that previous winners have already received their rewards. When a user clicks on […]

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