3 months ago


Investment scams

Ibkcompany.com, a website that’s been active for just 120 days, is under scrutiny for running an investment scam. The site’s information is misleading, with the business not found at the address provided. Moreover, the photos displayed on the site are counterfeit. The phone numbers listed on the website are disconnected, and the business name isn’t registered in the state it purports to be. Furthermore, there’s a complete absence of reviews on all major platforms.

An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where individuals are enticed to part with their money, with the promise of high returns. These scams often involve non-existent businesses, misleading information, and fake reviews.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Phone disconnected
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
Investment scams often start with a promise. The scammer might guarantee high returns or unique opportunities. They may even claim to have 'inside' information. These promises are designed to lure you in. Scammers use various tactics. One common method is pressure. They urge you to invest before you have time to consider or research. Another tactic is the use of complex jargon. This is done to confuse you and make the scam seem legitimate. Sometimes, they use fake testimonials. These are designed to convince you that others have profited from the investment. Lastly, they may ask for your personal information. Be aware, this is often a sign of a scam.


Discountfishing-gear.com is operating an unauthentic online store. The website’s existence is relatively new, with only 52 days since its inception. Evidence strongly suggests that the site’s operations stem from China. The range of goods on offer by this website are quite misleading and could potentially pose a risk due to the sub-standard raw materials used […]


Reports have emerged about Scambustersinc.com, a website suspected of being a crypto scam. The website, which was only 80 days old at the time it was flagged, purports to operate under a business name that isn’t registered with the secretary of state. The contact numbers provided on the site seem to be disconnected, raising further […]


Equitablefxx.com has been found to be running an investment scam. They promise significant growth for your investment, but once you invest, they vanish with your money. There are no reviews on major platforms and their social media presence is almost non-existent. Many pages on their website are still being completed and contain placeholder text. The […]


Assetwellinvestlimited.com has been flagged as a fraudulent investment platform. While they promise substantial returns on your investment, the reality is that your money is taken and the scammers disappear. The images displayed on their site are not genuine. The website itself is relatively new, having been registered only 45 days prior to this report. Notably, […]


Makayle.com, a recently established website, appears to be a fraudulent online store. The domain name was registered a mere 91 days ago at the time of this report. Notably, the website lacks a customer service phone number, raising concerns about its legitimacy. The materials used on the site seem to lack originality, closely resembling those […]

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