2 months ago


Investment scams

Customers have flagged Hundrisfinlimited.com as a fraudulent investment platform. The website, only 141 days old at the time of discovery, lacks a customer service phone number. The business address listed on the site is unverifiable. Despite its lack of social media followers and absence of reviews on major platforms, the site promises substantial returns on investments. However, once you invest, the fraudsters vanish with your money. The site claims to operate under a business name that isn’t registered in the state it purports to be based in. Moreover, the website is riddled with incomplete pages, filled with placeholder text and default content.

An investment scam is a scheme where fraudsters promise high returns on investments to lure in victims. Once the victims invest their money, the scammers disappear, leaving the victims with significant financial losses.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake business name
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a deceptive practice. It involves the illegal selling of fake investments. Scammers promise high returns with little to no risk. They use persuasive and manipulative tactics to lure investors. Commonly, they'll tout an "exclusive" opportunity. This is often tied to a trending market sector. Examples include cryptocurrencies or foreign exchange. They may use complex jargon to appear knowledgeable and trustworthy. Scammers often pressure potential victims. They insist on immediate decisions to secure the "deal". They also discourage independent research or advice. This is to avoid detection and maintain control over the victim. Victims are usually asked to transfer funds quickly. This is often to an overseas or untraceable account. Once the money is transferred, the scammer disappears, leaving the victim with a significant financial loss.


Claycraftstore.com is a sham, functioning as a counterfeited digital outlet. The detection of this scam happened when the site was a mere 32 days old. No trace of a customer service number exists. The content, far from original, seems to have been copied from similar sources. The products showcased on this digital platform are a […]


Our investigation reveals that Dporthaultparis.shop is not a legitimate business but a fraudulent online store. It’s concerning that there’s no customer service phone number available on the website. As of this report, the website is only 92 days old. The products advertised on the site are not genuine, and their low-quality materials could pose potential […]


Our investigation has revealed that the website Worldalphacryptominingfx.online is running a fraudulent investment scheme. It promises substantial returns on your investments; however, once you invest, the fraudsters abscond with your money. Numerous unfinished pages on their website are riddled with default content and placeholder text. A notable absence of the company from all social media […]


The website Shopspringstepshoes.shop has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The merchandise they claim to sell is not genuine and could pose a risk due to the low-quality materials used in their production. Analysis of the site’s data reveals copied content from other similar websites, hinting at a lack of uniqueness. The images presented […]


Globalinvestasset.org has been identified as a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange. Despite being only 36 days old, its deceptive tactics were discovered. Strikingly, no customer service contact details are provided on the platform—an alarming red flag. They lure potential investors with promises of high returns, but once the investment is made, the money disappears along with the […]

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