10 months ago


Fake stores

Hudsonfurniture.shop is operating a deceptive scheme, selling counterfeit products. The images displayed on the site do not accurately represent the actual items for sale. The items featured on this site are not genuine and could potentially be harmful due to the inferior materials used in their manufacture. A thorough examination of the website’s data reveals copied content from other similar sites, indicating a lack of uniqueness. The fraudulent activity was discovered when the website was still in its infancy. Unfortunately, there is no customer service contact number provided on the site. Moreover, the website doesn’t have any social media presence or followers.

A fake store scam involves a bogus online store that deceives customers by displaying images of products that don’t accurately represent the actual item being sold. These scams often use copied content from other websites and lack customer service contact information. They typically have no social media presence and are discovered to be fraudulent shortly after their creation.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No business name
No phone numbers
No social media
A fake store scam is a deceptive operation that poses as a legitimate online shop. These scams are established by cybercriminals with the aim of stealing personal and financial information from their victims. Fake stores often mimic the look and feel of genuine retail websites. They display photos of popular products at heavily discounted prices to attract unwitting customers. These products can range from designer clothing, electronics, to even household items. Scammers operating these fake stores usually lure potential victims through ads on social media platforms, search engine results, or even through email campaigns. These ads or emails will direct the user to the fake website, where they are encouraged to make a purchase. Once a purchase is made, the victim may either receive nothing, a counterfeit or an inferior product. In some instances, identity theft may occur when the scammer uses the personal information provided by the victim during the 'checkout' process.


The website Revbrass.com is involved in a fraudulent investment scheme. Tempting individuals with the allure of significant returns on their starting capital, the dishonest operators of the site take the funds and then disappear. Surprisingly, the site has attracted no reviews on any prominent review platforms. On social media as well, the company has failed […]


Kryptoelevate.com, a relatively new website at just 81 days old, is currently involved in a cryptocurrency exchange scam. The website falsely claims to operate under a business name that is not officially registered in the state where the company purports to be located. Furthermore, the partnerships that the company promotes on its website are completely […]


Consumers have flagged Financialchainlimited.com, accusing it of operating an investment scam. The operation appears lucrative at first, promising substantial returns to potential investors. However, upon receipt of the investment, the alleged fraudsters pocket the money and vanish. The company lacks any reviews on main consumer review platforms, raising a red flag. Adding to the suspicions, […]


Pronflshop.com operates a deceptive online store. The products displayed on this site are counterfeit, potentially harmful due to the low-grade materials used in their production. The images on the webpage fail to accurately represent the items for sale. The content of this site lacks authenticity, with signs of copying from similar websites. The site does […]


Assetsonemax.com has been flagged as an investment scam. The site was registered just recently, only 18 days old when reported. They promise high returns on your investment, but once you invest, the scammers disappear with your money. The website doesn’t have a customer service phone number. No business exists at the address listed on the […]

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