10 months ago


Fake stores

Honeyjackson.shop is operating a deceptive business model. The products offered for sale on this site are not authentic and could potentially be hazardous due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The pictures displayed on the site do not accurately depict the items for sale. The site lacks a customer service phone number. The company seems to be absent from all social media platforms. Furthermore, the website contains several incomplete pages filled with generic content and filler text.

A fake store scam is a fraudulent scheme where a website pretends to be a legitimate online shop. They offer products for sale, but the items are either counterfeit, of poor quality, or don’t exist at all. The website may look professional and have product images, but these are often stolen from other sites. The scammer takes your money, but you receive nothing or something worth far less than what you paid for.

Red Flags

Fake images
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No social media
Fake store scams lure consumers with unrealistic discounts and deals. They appear as legitimate businesses with professionally designed websites and a wide range of products. Typically, these stores offer high demand items at incredibly low prices to tempt buyers. Scammers behind these fraudulent stores often pressure shoppers to make quick purchases. They create a sense of urgency by claiming that the "sale" will end soon or that the stock is limited. Additionally, these scams use fake customer reviews and ratings to appear trustworthy, boosting consumer confidence in their products. Customers who fall for these scams either receive counterfeit goods or nothing at all. Often, the payment and personal information provided by the victims is used for further fraudulent activities. The sites then disappear overnight, leaving no trace for the customers to follow up on. Unfortunately, with the increasing sophistication of scammers, it is becoming more difficult to identify such fake stores.


Petfriscok.com, a website that has been recently discovered, is involved in a deceptive store scam. The images displayed on the site do not accurately represent the products for sale. False reviews from imaginary customers are also featured on the site, adding to the misleading nature of the operation. Evidence suggests that the website is being […]


2005polarisatvsportsman.com has been reported as a fake website as of February 17, 2023. It’s a new domain name that was only registered on February 16, 2023 and was only online for 3 days at the time of the initial complaint. What’s concerning is that the website’s ownership is hidden behind a third-party privacy service, and […]


There have been numerous reports indicating that Codexchangepro.com operates an investment fraud. They lure innocent customers with promises of significant returns on their investments, but once you invest your money, they disappear into thin air. Curiously, this company has no presence on any social media platforms. Furthermore, the images they showcase on their website don’t […]


Metroworldtrade.com has been identified as a fraudulent investment platform. They lure unsuspecting investors with promises of high returns. However, after the investment is made, the fraudsters disappear with the money. This scam was uncovered when the website was merely 100 days old. Interestingly, the phone numbers listed on their website are now inoperative. The physical […]


Hamiltonsway.org has been flagged as a fraudulent investment scheme. They paint a picture of substantial returns on your investment, but once you’ve parted with your money, the fraudsters pocket it and vanish. The address provided for the company on their website is a sham. The images presented on the site fail to accurately represent the […]

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