7 months ago


Crypto scams

Hksfxpro.trade, a relatively new website, has been found to be involved in a fraudulent crypto exchange scheme. Despite being only 77 days old, the site has already been flagged for suspicious activities. The website promises attractive returns on investments, however, once the investment is made, the money mysteriously disappears, leaving investors high and dry. The address provided on the website for the company is not genuine, further raising doubts about its legitimacy. In addition, many of the website’s pages seem incomplete, filled with generic content and placeholder text. A noticeable absence of any social media links or presence also adds to the growing list of red flags associated with this website.

A crypto exchange scam is a fraudulent scheme where a website or platform, posing as a legitimate cryptocurrency exchange, lures investors with the promise of high returns. Once the investment is made, the scammers abscond with the money, leaving the investors with significant losses.

Red Flags

Fake address
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No social media
A crypto exchange scam involves fraudulent platforms pretending to be legitimate crypto exchanges. These phony exchanges lure you with the promise of quick, high returns on your crypto investments. The scam starts with a scheme to take your cryptocurrencies under the guise of investment opportunities. They may ask you to deposit your cryptocurrencies into their accounts, promising high returns or special trading advantages. Beware of unusually high returns or guarantees of profit. These are tactics used to entice you into the scam. Another red flag is a lack of transparency about their operations or team members. Scammers often use fake testimonials and reviews to create an illusion of credibility. They may even trick you into downloading malware by clicking on certain links. The goal of the scam is to take your cryptocurrencies and leave you with nothing in return.


Unionbathroom.com has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The website, relatively new at only 55 days old at the time it was detected, lacks a customer service phone number. The content on the site is not unique, with images that do not accurately represent the products being sold. Products offered on the site are […]


Horzepants.com, a website that’s been active for just 92 days, is engaging in fraudulent activities. The absence of a customer support phone number raises suspicions. Further investigation reveals that the content on the site isn’t original, but rather copied from other web pages, undermining its credibility. The products offered on the site are not genuine […]


We’ve discovered that Assetideal.online is running an investment scam. They promise significant returns on your investment, but once you invest, they disappear with your money. The website contains incomplete pages with generic content and placeholder text. Additionally, there are no followers on their social media accounts, and the photos displayed on the site are fraudulent. […]


Shopskusa.shop has been flagged for operating a fraudulent scheme. The products offered are far from genuine, and their inferior quality could pose a danger. It appears that the website’s content is not original; it’s strikingly similar to other comparable sites. The scam came to light when the website was barely a month old. It’s also […]


Genesispremiumsignals.com, a relatively new website, has been found to be a fraudulent operation. The website, only 108 days old, has been identified as a crypto exchange scam. They promise substantial returns on your investment, but once you transfer the funds, the perpetrators vanish with your money. The website is filled with incomplete pages, default content, […]

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