Reports have come in about, indicating that it’s a scam site. The website was registered not long ago, with the domain name only being 92 days old at the time of the report. It’s suspected that the goods sold on the site are not authentic and could even be dangerous due to the substandard materials used in their production. It’s possible the site’s management is based in China, as there are several indications pointing to this. The website’s graphical representations of the products for sale do not accurately depict the actual items. There’s also a high chance that the site’s content isn’t original, but instead lifted from similar websites.
A fake store scam is when a website purports to sell goods, often at too-good-to-be-true prices, but in reality, they have no intention of delivering any product. The items displayed on the site are typically counterfeit and made from low-grade materials, making them potentially harmful. The scammers often operate from overseas locations, making it difficult for victims to recoup their losses.