7 months ago


Fake stores

Hikingluck.com has been identified as a fraudulent online shop. The website’s registration only occurred recently; specifically, the domain was registered a mere 92 days ago at the time of our investigation. A clear indication of the deceit is the unauthentic images used to represent products, failing to depict the actual items for sale. Additionally, the site has a considerable number of uncompleted pages filled with generic content and fill-in-the-blank text. The products offered are imitations and might even be hazardous due to the inferior materials used in their production. Furthermore, despite the lack of originality in the website’s content, it has not been directly plagiarized from other similar sites.

A fake store scam is a deceptive online shop that presents itself as a legitimate business. They sell counterfeit products, often of poor quality and sometimes even dangerous. They are typically characterized by unoriginal content, unrealistic pricing, and recently registered domain names.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No business address
No business name
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a fraudulent scheme where scammers create a phony online store. It's designed to look like a legitimate retailer. They list products at attractive prices to lure unsuspecting customers. The scammers often use professional-looking websites and high-quality images of products. They may also display fake customer reviews to appear genuine. Once a purchase is made, the scammer either sends a low-quality item, an item different from what was advertised, or nothing at all. The goal is to steal your money and sometimes, your personal and financial information. This scam can be difficult to spot. It's because scammers have become adept at mimicking reputable online stores. They use convincing tactics such as limited-time offers or urgent messages to create a sense of urgency and rush customers into making a purchase.


Ultimateoptionaltrade.com, a website that has been active for 109 days, is unfortunately operating under false pretenses. It presents itself as a lucrative investment opportunity in the realm of cryptocurrency, promising substantial returns. However, once the investment is made, the individuals behind the website disappear, taking your hard-earned money with them. The location details provided for […]


Creedsharefx.com, is unfortunately, a fraudulent investment operation. Although the site promises substantial returns on your initial deposit, the reality is once your money is transferred, the fraudsters disappear. The imagery displayed on the site bears no connection to the actual service offered. As of the time of this investigation, the site had been live for […]


Alphatrading.live stands accused of investment fraud. The website, known for its enticing promises of hefty investment returns, serves as a smokescreen. Scammers operate behind the scenes, pocketing any money deposited before vanishing without a trace. The so-called reviews on the site don’t come from genuine users. When first spotted, the website was a mere 25 […]


Amethysthome.shop is operating a deceptive scheme, presenting itself as a legitimate store. The content on this website lacks originality, and the graphics used do not accurately represent the products being sold. The goods offered on this site are mere replicas, and their inferior quality materials may pose safety risks. The website does not provide a […]


Jasonroley.com has caught attention for its involvement in a false store swindle. Currently, the website has only been up and running for a mere 57 days, making its authenticity questionable. Moreover, an essential feature for any legitimate online business, the customer service phone number, is mysteriously absent from the site. More red flags can be […]

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