2 weeks ago


Crypto scams

Highxdinz.online is running a crypto scam. The website is only 23 days old. They promise high profits for your investment, but after you invest, the scammers disappear with the money. They claim fake partnerships and have no followers on social media. Be careful and avoid investing in such schemes.

Crypto scams trick people into investing money with promises of high returns, but the scammers take the money and vanish.

Red Flags

Fake partnerships
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
A crypto scam is a fraudulent scheme involving cryptocurrencies. Scammers often promise high returns on investments with little to no risk. They lure victims by claiming insider knowledge or guaranteed profits. These scams frequently use fake testimonials and endorsements from celebrities. They create professional-looking websites to appear legitimate. Social media platforms are common tools for spreading these false promises. Scammers may also use phishing tactics to steal personal information. They send emails or messages that appear to be from reputable sources. Once they gain access to your information, they can steal your funds. Many scams ask for upfront payments or fees. They pressure victims into making quick decisions. This creates a sense of urgency, making it harder for people to think critically.


On March 10, 2023, Anexampleua.com was flagged as an online fake store. This website is relatively new, with a registration date of February 8, 2023, making it approximately 30 days old at the time of the report. Unfortunately, there is no customer support number available and the only means of contacting customer support is through […]


Consumers have flagged Oldfartsparts.shop for operating a deceptive retail scheme. The merchandise displayed on the site is not genuine and could potentially pose a risk due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The website has also been found to plagiarize content, blatantly copying from other similar sites. The fraudulent activity was uncovered when […]


Shophouseboatkings.shop is operating a deceptive online shop. The products they advertise are represented by generic stock images, which raises suspicion about their authenticity. The items they sell are not genuine and may pose risks due to the inferior materials used in their manufacture. The website’s content lacks originality and uniqueness, further undermining its credibility. A […]


On February 15, 2023, a user on ScamGuard reported 21swag.com as a fake online entity. The website is a recently registered domain name with a creation date of November 15, 2022. Its ownership is concealed by a third-party privacy service, and all the data it collects is hosted outside of the country in China. Additionally, […]


Linestake.com, a website that’s only been active for 144 days, has been identified as an investment fraud. The customer service numbers listed on the site are out of order, and the address provided doesn’t correspond to any known business. Despite its online presence, the site has no social media following. They promise high returns on […]

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