2 months ago


Investment scams

We’ve found that Hcltechsuperchargingearning.com is running a fraudulent investment scheme. When we discovered this, the website was a mere 145 days old. There’s no customer service phone number listed on the site. Multiple pages on the site are still under construction, filled with placeholder content. The site has no social media presence to speak of. There’s also no feedback about the company on major consumer review sites. They lure you in with promises of huge returns on your investment. However, once you hand over your money, the fraudsters disappear.

An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where con artists trick people into investing money with promises of high returns. However, instead of investing the money as promised, the scammers pocket the funds and disappear, leaving the investors with significant losses.

Red Flags

Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a deceptive practice. It lures individuals into investing money with the promise of high returns and minimal risk. Scammers often use persuasive tactics. They might present as professional brokers or financial advisers. These scams can take many forms. They might involve stocks, bonds, commodities, real estate, or even cryptocurrencies. Scammers often use high-pressure sales tactics. They create a sense of urgency to invest immediately. They may also use complex jargon. This is to confuse potential victims. They may also forge documents to make the investment look legitimate. In reality, the money invested usually goes straight into the scammer's pocket. Remember, if an investment seems too good to be true, it probably is.


Consumers have raised concerns about Elitefinancelimited.company, alleging that it’s involved in a cryptocurrency scam. The website, which is relatively new with a domain name only 78 days old at the time of reporting, promises substantial profits. However, there are reports of scammers disappearing with deposits. Interestingly, the company is not registered in the state it […]


Beware of Fxcloudmarkets.com, it’s an investment scam. They’ll tempt you with large returns only to vanish once you’ve invested. This company maintains no presence on social media platforms. You’ll notice fake images plastered all over their site. The website is also quite new, its domain name was registered merely 36 days ago at the time […]


Foxifyventure.com has been identified as a fraudulent investment scheme. The site lures you in with promises of substantial returns on your investment, however, the reality is quite different. After you invest, your money is taken and the scammers vanish without a trace. The website is riddled with unfinished pages, loaded with default content and placeholder […]


Amazonpalletandliquidationcenter.com was singled out as a fraudulent online store. This discovery was made a mere 56 days after the site was launched. Notably, the website lacks customer service contact details. The content isn’t unique. The items advertised on this platform are not genuine and may be potentially harmful due to the low-quality materials employed in […]


We’ve found that Walnert.com is functioning as a counterfeit shop scheme. When we discovered it, the site was merely 48 days old. Unfortunately, there’s no phone number listed for customer assistance on the site. The content on this website lacks originality, suggesting it hasn’t been replicated from other comparable sites. The products up for sale […]

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