Customers have flagged as a fraudulent online store. This alarming discovery was made when the website was barely a month old. Interestingly, the site doesn’t provide a customer service phone number. Further scrutiny reveals that the website’s content is not original, but a replica of similar sites, casting doubts on its authenticity.
Furthermore, the items for sale on this website are knock-offs, potentially posing a risk due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The product images displayed on the site do not reflect the actual items being sold. Additionally, several web pages on the site are still a work in progress, filled with pre-filled content and placeholder text.
Also, the company’s social media accounts show no signs of any followers. The most surprising part is that there are no customer reviews of the company on popular review platforms.
A fake store scam is a deceitful practice where a counterfeit online store lures unsuspecting customers into purchasing non-existent or substandard goods. These stores often use copied content and images from legitimate websites, lack customer service contact, and have no social media presence or customer reviews.