7 months ago


Fake stores

Customers have reported Funnyrunning.com for operating a scam disguised as a legitimate online store. It was only 85 days old when the scam was detected. Further investigation revealed that the site is likely managed from China. The products listed for sale on this website aren’t authentic, and they could potentially be hazardous due to the use of low-grade materials in their manufacture. The pictures displayed on the site are misleading and don’t accurately represent the available merchandise. Additionally, the company was noticeably absent from well-known consumer review platforms.

A fake store scam is an online scheme where the scammer sets up a fraudulent online shop. They showcase enticing products at unbeatable prices to lure in consumers. However, the products they sell are either non-existent or of extremely poor quality. They often use misleading images and descriptions to deceive customers, and they usually lack a presence on reputable review platforms.

Red Flags

Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No business address
No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a type of fraud where scammers open up a bogus online shop. The shop often sells products at too good to be true prices. These could range from high-end electronics to designer clothes. The scammers create a professional-looking website complete with product images and descriptions. They may even offer customer service and return policies to appear legitimate. The payment options, however, usually demand direct bank transfer. After you have made the payment, either the goods never arrive or if they do, they are fake or of poor quality. Contacting customer service proves futile as they suddenly become unresponsive. In some cases, the scammers may also steal your credit card information during the transaction. This information can be used for other fraudulent activities. It's a criminal activity that's unfortunately being practiced across the globe by internet fraudsters.


The website Shopamericabestappliances.shop appears to be involved in a fraudulent operation. Interestingly, there is no customer service phone number listed on the site. What’s more, the images displayed on the site are not genuine. A closer look into the website reveals numerous incomplete pages, brimming with filler content and placeholder text. Notably absent is any […]


Open-airlimit.com operates a fraudulent online store. The items they offer are merely imitations of original products, which may pose a risk due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The content of the website is not original, but rather plagiarized from other sites. The business location provided on the website is not authentic. The […]


Goldenstockfirm.live faces accusations of operating as an investment fraud. They promise you lucrative returns on your investment. However, the reality is different. Once you invest, the fraudsters abscond with your money. On popular consumer review platforms, one cannot find any reviews about this company. Social media platforms show no trace of the company either. The […]


The website Hunterfanusa.shop is suspected to be running a bogus retail operation. It’s a relatively new site, having only been in operation for 28 days when its questionable practices were first identified. Oddly, the website does not provide any phone number for customers to reach out to them. It displays a conspicuous lack of original […]


The website Familyfrenchiehome.com is under scrutiny for fraudulent activities related to pet sales. The website, which was only 17 days old at the time of the report, is not active on any social media platforms. There is also no customer service contact number provided on their webpage. Furthermore, the business name that the website purports […]

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