4 days ago


Investment scams

Fundswelllimited.com runs an investment scam. The website was only 9 days old when detected. The company lacks a social media presence. They promise big gains from investing, but once you invest, they take your money and disappear. The business address on the website is fake. The contact numbers listed are disconnected.

An investment scam tricks people into giving money by promising high returns. Scammers then take the money and disappear.

Red Flags

Fake address
Phone disconnected
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where scammers promise high returns with little or no risk. They often claim insider knowledge or special opportunities unavailable to the general public. These scams can appear as Ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, or fake investment opportunities. Scammers use persuasive tactics to gain trust. They may present fake testimonials or fabricated success stories. They often pressure victims to invest quickly, claiming the opportunity is limited-time or exclusive. Scammers also use complex jargon to confuse and impress potential investors. The promises made are often too good to be true. High returns, guaranteed profits, and minimal risk are common lures. Victims may initially see some returns, but these are usually funded by new investors' money.


Trustallyinvest.com is flagged as an investment scam. They promise high returns, but once you invest, the scammers take your money and vanish. Many parts of the site are still under construction, filled with generic content and placeholder text. Their social media accounts have zero followers. You won’t find any reviews about them on major consumer […]


On March 10, 2023, Swardpdo.com was reported as a fraudulent online store. The website is a recent addition, having been registered on February 20, 2023, and was only 18 days old at the time of the complaint. The website’s owner is concealed by a third-party privacy service. While the website asserts that it is run […]


People have reported that Shopstandardandstrange.shop is a fraudulent online store. This detection happened when the website was barely a month old. It lacks a customer service phone number, which is usually a red flag. The site seems to borrow heavily from other similar websites, indicating a lack of originality. The goods sold on the site […]


On February 24, 2023, Cocotopmall.com was categorized as an online scam. The website’s ownership is obscured by a third-party privacy service, and it lacks a customer support number. Furthermore, the social media buttons, live chat links, and contact options on the site do not lead to any active profiles. Complaints were filed within 11 days […]


On February 14, 2023, Stringfinancials.com was categorized as a possible loan scam website. The company claims to be in business for 12 years, however, the domain name was registered on November 1, 2022. At the time of the initial complaint, the website was only 100 days old. The company operating under the name String Financials […]

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