1 week ago


Crypto scams

Flipstertrading.com, a newly established website, is under suspicion of being a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange. The site, which is just 121 days old, lacks a customer service contact number, a red flag for potential scams. Despite claiming to operate from a certain state, there’s no evidence of the business being registered there. Furthermore, the partnerships advertised on the website have been debunked as false. Alarmingly, the site has zero social media following, further raising doubts about its legitimacy.

A crypto exchange scam involves a deceptive platform that pretends to be a legitimate cryptocurrency exchange, but in reality, it’s designed to trick people into transferring their digital assets to the scammer.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Fake partnerships
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A crypto exchange scam is a fraudulent scheme. It involves tricking individuals into investing in fake cryptocurrency exchanges. These exchanges often promise high returns and minimal risks. They lure victims with attractive offers. Typically, these scams use sleek websites and professional-looking profiles. They may also use fake testimonials to appear legitimate. These tactics are designed to convince potential victims of their authenticity. Once a victim invests, the scammers either disappear or manipulate the fake exchange. The victim is left unable to withdraw their funds. It's a devastating blow, leaving the victim out of pocket and the scammers richer.


Our investigation has revealed that Bitwesten.com is functioning as a fraudulent cryptocurrency operation. The website, which was only 81 days old at the time of our findings, appears to have plagiarized content, bearing a striking resemblance to other similar sites. Although they promise substantial returns on investments, the reality is that once you invest, the […]


Reports indicate Perficientcoin.net operates a crypto exchange scam. Discovery of the scam happened when the website was merely 37 days old. The website promises high percentage profits on initial investments, but it is merely a facade. Scammers use it as a platform to snatch deposited funds and then vanish. A search for company reviews on […]


Customers have raised concerns about Urfragances.com, alleging it to be a fraudulent online store. The website, which is still under construction, is filled with placeholder content and nonsensical text. The domain name is a recent registration, being only three months old at the time of these allegations. The website lacks a contact phone number for […]


Consumers have raised concerns about Baukjendress.com, claiming it to be a fraudulent online store. The website is relatively new, having been registered just 51 days prior to this report. It lacks a customer service phone number, which is a red flag for many potential customers. The site’s content lacks originality, seemingly copying from similar online […]


On February 21, 2023, Superti.shop was classified as a counterfeit website. This website is a replica of costco.com and is believed to be intended for phishing scams. It is strongly advised that consumers refrain from accessing this website and refrain from providing any personal or financial information under any circumstances.  

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