1 week ago


Crypto scams

Flipster.io has been flagged as a deceptive crypto exchange platform. A noticeable absence of a customer service contact number on their website raises suspicion. Furthermore, the company isn’t registered in the state it purports to operate from. The partnerships touted on the company’s website are false, and there’s no trace of the company on any social media platforms. They promise substantial returns on investments, but once you invest, the fraudsters vanish with your money.

A crypto exchange scam involves a fraudulent platform that lures investors with high returns. Once the investment is made, the scammers abscond with the funds, leaving the investor with significant losses.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Fake partnerships

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A crypto exchange scam is a fraudulent scheme. It involves tricking people into investing in cryptocurrencies on a fake exchange platform. Scammers often promise high returns and minimal risks. They use persuasive tactics to convince unsuspecting individuals. These fake platforms often mimic the look and feel of legitimate ones. They may even use the names of reputable exchanges. Their main goal is to steal money or personal information from users. To make the scam more convincing, they may show false balance updates. They show your investment growing rapidly. But when you try to withdraw, they make it impossible. Often, they use aggressive marketing strategies. They might use pop-up ads or spam emails. Some may even reach out directly via social media. The scam is sophisticated and can be hard to spot.


We have found reports indicating that Usfurnituretotal.com is a fraudulent online shop. A careful examination reveals that the originality of the site’s materials is lacking, and they closely resemble those of other similar platforms. The products offered on this site are not genuine and the use of low-quality materials in their manufacture could potentially pose […]


Aphid-globals.org has been identified as a fraudulent investment scheme. They promise attractive returns on your investment, but once you’ve invested, the fraudsters abscond with your money. The website is riddled with incomplete pages, full of default content and placeholder text. When we identified the scam, the website was a mere 99 days old. A customer […]


Apgowns.com, a website that has been up and running for just over two months, has been identified as a fraudulent online shop. This conclusion was drawn after several red flags were noticed, including the absence of a customer service contact number. To further raise suspicion, the content featured on the site seems to be duplicated […]


Alfresco-sale.com, a recently established website, is under scrutiny for operating a fraudulent store scam. The website, merely 91 days old at the time of this investigation, has raised several red flags. The information provided on the site is deceptive, with the listed business location not corresponding to any existing establishment. Furthermore, the website fails to […]


Cryptosventures.xyz is involved in a fraudulent investment scheme. The site gives off an impression of promising high returns on investments, however, upon contributing, the fraudsters pocket the money and vanish. Despite the company’s lack of a solid presence on social media, it continues to operate. Many pages on their website are still in the process […]

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