8 months ago


Crypto scams

Fincrypts.com, a website that has been active for just 59 days, is at the center of a cryptocurrency exchange scam. The site promises significant returns on your investment, luring you in with the prospect of easy money. However, once you send your money, it’s quickly stolen by the fraudsters who vanish without a trace. This is made even more frustrating by the absence of a customer service phone number to report the issue. Furthermore, the website purports to operate under a business name that hasn’t been officially registered with the secretary of state, further raising suspicions about their legitimacy.

A crypto exchange scam is a type of fraud where a website or platform claims to facilitate cryptocurrency transactions or investments. They often promise high profits or returns, however, when users send their money, the scammers steal the funds and disappear. The platforms often lack legitimate contact information or registration details, making it difficult for victims to recover their lost funds.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
A crypto exchange scam is a fraudulent scheme, aiming to deceive crypto investors. Scammers create fake cryptocurrency trading platforms. These platforms appear legitimate to unsuspecting investors. Scammers often promise high returns to lure victims. They may claim that their platform has a unique trading algorithm guaranteeing profits. Some even promise a return on investment as high as 100% in a few days. Scammers use various tactics to gain victims' trust. They may display fake testimonials from seemingly satisfied investors. Some use aggressive marketing strategies, such as unsolicited phone calls or emails. They often pressure potential victims into making immediate investments. In a typical scam, once the victims deposit their cryptocurrencies into these fake platforms, the scammers vanish. The victims, unable to withdraw their investments or profits, are left with nothing but losses. Scammers often use advanced technological tools. These tools make the scam platforms appear professional and trustworthy. This helps to convince even tech-savvy individuals to trust them with their crypto investments.


People have reported Golden-investor.com for operating a fraudulent investment scheme. The website, only 146 days old at the time of these reports, lacks a customer service phone number. The company’s address listed on the site is fake. Many incomplete pages, filled with filler content and placeholder text, are found on the site. The company’s presence […]


Coinupfix.com, a recently launched website, has been flagged as a potential crypto exchange scam. The domain name is merely 120 days old at the time of this report. It’s noteworthy that the site lacks a customer service phone number and an official business name isn’t listed anywhere on the website. The company’s presence on social […]


Access-signal.com is involved in a dubious investment scheme. Surprisingly, there are no reviews about the company on well-known consumer feedback websites. It’s also notable that they lack any form of social media presence. Their website is littered with incomplete pages, teeming with default content and placeholder text. The partnerships they claim to have on their […]


Blessingincomesyariah.pro stands accused of orchestrating a cryptocurrency exchange fraud. Discovered merely 28 days following its creation, the website lacks a vital customer service contact number. They lure investors with promises of significant returns, yet once you invest, the swindlers vanish with your funds. The site also features fabricated testimonials from fictional people. Overseas entities or […]


Kandorcapitalinvestments.com is involved in a shady practice known as investment fraud. They lure investors in with the promise of high returns, only to disappear with the money soon after. Their business address, as listed on their website, is decidedly inaccurate. A glaring omission is the lack of a customer service phone number on their site, […]

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