2 weeks ago


Crypto scams

Fiatgrup.com has been flagged as a crypto exchange scam. The scam surfaced when the site was just 103 days old. There’s no customer service phone number listed on the site. The business name they use isn’t registered with the secretary of state. The partnerships they advertise are fake.

A crypto exchange scam involves a fraudulent platform that pretends to offer cryptocurrency trading services to steal users’ money or personal information.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Fake partnerships
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
A crypto exchange scam involves fraudulent platforms pretending to be legitimate cryptocurrency exchanges. Scammers often promise high returns on investments and guaranteed profits. They lure victims with attractive offers and sophisticated websites that mimic real exchanges. These fake exchanges may also use fake endorsements from celebrities or influencers to gain trust. They typically ask for personal information and financial details. Once they have access, they drain the victim's funds. Scammers use high-pressure tactics to rush decisions. They may also create fake accounts to show false trading volumes and success stories. Victims often realize the scam too late, after their money is gone.


Finerugcollections.shop has been flagged for operating as a fraudulent online store. The products showcased on this digital platform are counterfeit, potentially posing safety risks due to the inferior materials used in their production. The website has also been found guilty of content theft, mirroring the design and layout of other similar websites. The website’s registration […]


On February 27, 2023, a user of Scamguard reported Earn-gae23.buzz to be operating under the passive income category. The domain was registered on June 28, 2022, and belongs to a group of fraudulent websites that make promises of online wealth generation to subscribers. However, the reviews posted on the site are fabricated, and no subscriber […]


Globaltrustinvestmentltd.net operates a fraudulent investment scheme. The website, barely a month old, entices individuals to invest with promises of sizeable returns. Regrettably, once you part with your cash, the fraudsters disappear. The website lacks a contact number for customer inquiries. The physical address of the business provided on the site lacks validation. The company falsely […]


We found out that Ascentgrid.com is running an investment scam. The website is very new, only 9 days old. The address they list isn’t correct. There are no reviews on big review sites. The phone numbers they give don’t work. They aren’t on social media at all. They promise you’ll make a lot of money […]


Addisonraex.com runs a fake store scam. It uses a business name that isn’t registered with the state. The reviews on the site are fake, and the pictures don’t show the real products. Evidence points to the website operating from China. The items sold are fake and may be dangerous because they use low-quality materials. As […]

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