Fabfitbest-sellers.com, a suspiciously young website at just 52 days old, is currently operating a counterfeit store. The operation is believed to be based in China, based on several credible indications. The business address provided on the website is false. The site contains a number of incomplete pages that are filled with generic content and placeholder text. It’s worth noting that the content on this website is unique, it doesn’t appear to be copied from other similar pages, however, it still lacks authenticity.
A fake store scam is when a website pretends to be a legitimate online store but is actually designed to scam customers. The site may appear professional and genuine but if you look closely, there are usually signs that it’s not a real business. This could include a false business address, incomplete pages filled with generic content, or a suspiciously young website age. In the end, consumers who purchase from these sites often don’t receive their goods or receive fake or substandard products.