1 week ago


Investment scams

Extremeautosignals.com tricks people into thinking they will make big profits. After you invest, the scammers take your money and vanish. The phone numbers listed on the site don’t work. The address they show isn’t real. When discovered, the site was just 11 days old. No reviews exist outside their own pages.

An investment scam promises high returns with little risk. Scammers take your money and disappear, leaving you with nothing.

Red Flags

Fake address
Phone disconnected
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where scammers promise high returns with little or no risk. These scams often involve convincing pitches about exclusive opportunities or insider information. Scammers may claim they have a secret strategy or access to lucrative markets. They frequently use high-pressure tactics to rush decisions. They might say the offer is time-sensitive or only available to a select few. Scammers often create fake documents and websites to appear legitimate. Promises of guaranteed profits and low risk are common. They may also use testimonials from supposed satisfied investors. Scammers manipulate emotions, playing on greed and fear of missing out. They target people seeking quick financial gains.


Basecry.com, a website that’s been active for 120 days, is operating a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange. The phone numbers listed on the site are currently nonfunctional, and the business address shown is not genuine. Furthermore, the business name doesn’t appear in the state registry where it claims to be located. A noticeable absence of social media […]


Hfxmetrics.com stands accused of operating an investment scam. Not even a month old, the website fell under suspicion. It conspicuously lacks a customer service phone line. The state it purports to operate from has no record of the business name. All partnerships touted on the website are mere figments of imagination. A considerable number of […]


Thewatchluxury.com has been identified as a fraudulent store. The website’s content appears to be copied, and the products it promotes are misleading and potentially dangerous due to the use of substandard materials. The domain was registered just 12 days ago, indicating its recent creation. The company lacks a presence on social media and has no […]


Our investigation has revealed that Hotsale-bikeshop.com is running a deceitful operation. The photographs displayed on the site are not genuine. Moreover, there’s a strong probability that the site is being managed from China. The website’s content is suspicious in terms of its originality, as it seems to be a replica of content from similar sites. […]


Alphatrading.live stands accused of investment fraud. The website, known for its enticing promises of hefty investment returns, serves as a smokescreen. Scammers operate behind the scenes, pocketing any money deposited before vanishing without a trace. The so-called reviews on the site don’t come from genuine users. When first spotted, the website was a mere 25 […]

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