12 months ago


Investment scams

The website Extensive-global.ltd has been flagged for running investment fraud. Its absence on any social media platforms raises suspicion. The operators of the site allure potential investors with the promise of high returns, but once the funds are invested, they abscond with the money leaving the investors high and dry. The site is riddled with incomplete pages filled with unedited content and provisional reminders that suggest a hastily put together operation. Moreover, the images showcased on the site fail to accurately depict the products they are selling.

Investment scams are deceptive schemes designed to defraud investors. In these scams, fraudsters entice individuals with the promise of high returns on investments. However, once the funds are invested, the scam operators abscond with the money, leaving the investors defrauded.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a scheme to trick people into giving away their money. The scammer promises high returns on an investment. Often, these returns are said to be guaranteed. This is usually a red flag as no investment is ever truly guaranteed. The scammer uses pressure tactics to get people to invest. They might say the opportunity is limited and you need to act now. But, this is simply a way to rush people into making a decision without thinking it through. To avoid falling for an investment scam, always do your research. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Always check the credentials of the person or company making the investment offer. Never invest money that you can't afford to lose. Remember, it’s your money. Be cautious and take time before making any investment decisions. Scammers prey on the fact that people want to make money quickly. Don't let them take advantage of you.


The website known as Shopsocialstatuspgh.shop has been flagged as a suspected scam. This revelation came to light when the site was barely a month old. Interestingly, there’s no contact number available for customers on the website. It’s also noteworthy that the website seems to mimic other similar sites, with its content seemingly lifted from other […]


Goomall.shop raises eyebrows with suspicions of a counterfeit store scheme. The website, only registered recently, is merely 25 days old as per the report. A customer service phone contact is conspicuously absent from the site. Evidence suggests a base of operations located in China. The products displayed on the platform are misleading, posing risks due […]


A bogus operation has been identified at Specibicycle.com, a website that’s been up for just 28 days, but already running a counterfeit scheme. In a thorough investigation, it was found that the site doesn’t provide any customer service contact details. Further, the website content appears to be lifted from other similar online platforms, raising suspicions […]


Bitfury-miner.net is currently operating an investment scheme that’s designed to swindle people out of their money. They promise high returns on investments, but once the money is invested, the fraudsters abscond with it. The website is a recent creation, having been registered just 100 days ago at the time of this report. The business location […]


Globalconnectfx.com operates a fraudulent crypto exchange. As of this report, the website had a lifespan of 20 days. They lure people with the promise of substantial investment returns. However, once you put your money in, the swindlers abscond with it. There’s a glaring absence of a customer service contact number. The website traces back to […]

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