9 months ago


Investment scams

The website Expert-iqtradefx.com has been identified as a fraudulent platform. It lures people in with the promise of substantial returns on their investments. However, once the investment is made, the fraudsters abscond with the money. The address provided for the business on the website is false. The scam was uncovered when the website was barely over three months old. The site lacks a customer service phone number, making it difficult for users to seek assistance. The content on the website is not original, as it mirrors that of other similar sites. Furthermore, the graphics used on the site do not accurately represent the product being sold.

An investment scam is a deceptive practice where fraudsters trick individuals into investing money with the promise of high returns. However, instead of investing the money as promised, the scammers disappear with the funds, leaving the investor with significant financial loss.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake address
Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
No SSL certificate
Investment scams are deceptive practices. They lure investors with promises of high returns and low risks. The reality is different. These schemes often involve unregistered securities, new industries, or non-typical investments. Scammers use persuasive sales tactics. Pressure to act quickly is common. They'll suggest the opportunity is limited or exclusive. Often, they claim to have insider information. A significant feature is the promise of consistent returns. Investment values fluctuate, but scammers promise steady, high returns. This should raise red flags. Scammers also use complex jargon to confuse victims. These scams may look like a legitimate investment opportunity. They offer professional-looking websites and documents. But, in the end, they're designed to take your money.


Wellbabylife.com appears to be involved in shady online activities, resembling a faux store scam. The website, which is just 56 days old at the time of writing this report, lacks a visible customer service hotline. It’s been noticed that the content on the site lacks originality, seemingly lifted from similar sources. The website promotes articles […]


A user on ScamGuard reported Xr-sr.com as a fake online store on February 20, 2023. The website is a recently registered domain name with a creation date of February 17, 2023. The first complaint was received only 3 days after the domain registration. The website ownership is concealed by a third-party privacy service. Xr-sr.com is […]


Veldslaapzak.com, a recently launched website, is suspected of being a fraudulent online store. The site is filled with unfinished pages that contain generic text and filler phrases. Despite its online presence, the company lacks a significant social media footprint. Furthermore, it has no reviews on well-known consumer feedback platforms. The merchandise displayed on the site […]


Coinfinance.limited has been flagged as a fraudulent investment operation. The website promises massive returns, yet it’s reported that the fraudsters disappear with the invested funds. Notably, there is no customer service phone number available on the site. Upon further investigation, it’s found that the content on the site is not original, but rather, it’s a […]


Jellyvape.online, a recently established website, is suspected of running a fraudulent operation. The site’s domain name, at the time of this investigation, was a mere 50 days old. Unfortunately, no customer support phone number is provided on the website. The authenticity of the site’s content raises questions as it appears strikingly similar to other websites. […]

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