9 months ago


Investment scams

Dunscapitals.com, a website only 78 days old, is engaged in fraudulent investment activity. Despite its promise of substantial returns on your investment, you’re left empty-handed while the fraudsters disappear with your money. Unsurprisingly, the website lacks a customer support contact number. It’s also worth noting that the company’s absence on popular consumer review platforms and social media raises more red flags. Moreover, the business name they claim to operate under is not officially registered with the secretary of state, further confirming suspicions of illegitimate operations.

Investment scams involve false promises of high returns on investments with little to no risk. Scammers often vanish after collecting money from unsuspecting investors, leaving them with significant financial losses.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
Investment scams are fraudulent practices that trick individuals into parting with their money. These can include Ponzi schemes, fake shares or bonds, and pyramid schemes. Scammers use enticing promises of high returns, tax-free benefits, or low-risk investments. Common tactics include pressuring individuals to make quick decisions. They create a sense of urgency and scarcity. Scammers may have sophisticated websites and documents. It makes their scam appear legitimate. Another tactic is the use of 'successful' investors. They give glowing testimonials. They claim they made significant profits from the investment. These are often just part of the scam. Scammers may initially return some of your money. This is to give the illusion of profitability. It encourages you to invest more or bring in family and friends. In reality, they are just returning a small part of your own money, or money paid by subsequent investors. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Shopstrapcode.shop, a young website just 29 days old, is engaging in fraudulent activities characteristic of a fake store scam. Customers cannot find a phone number to reach customer service, causing an alarming lack of communication. Other red flags include the content of the website, which appears to be copied from similar sites. The images displayed […]


Aspenskiandboard.shop is a website that has come under scrutiny for its questionable operations. It appears that the site is involved in a deceptive scheme, peddling counterfeit goods. The content on the site lacks originality, suggesting that it may have been lifted from similar sources. The products on offer are not genuine, and their low-quality materials […]


Fragranceoutlets.shop is a suspicious website. Detected as a fraudulent online store, its existence spans only 29 days. The site lacks a customer service phone number. The content lacks creativity, seemingly cloned from similar sites. It offers a deceptive range of goods, potentially risky due to the poor quality raw materials used in their creation. Fake […]


Whiteprimes.com is a scam in the crypto exchange world. The site was just 102 days old when it got flagged. It promises huge returns on your investment, but once you put your money in, the scammers disappear with it. They don’t offer a customer service phone number. No reviews exist for the company on major […]


The website 247expertsplatform.com is part of a deceptive scheme involving cryptocurrencies. Discovered when it was just a few months old, the site lacks essential contact details like a customer service phone number. It tempts potential investors with the promise of substantial profits from their investments. However, once you invest your money, the fraudsters behind the […]

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