10 months ago


Crypto scams

Digitalgainsltd.com, a website that has only been operational for less than a month, has been pinpointed as a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange. Despite the website’s assurances of substantial profits from investments, it has been found that those who invest ultimately lose their money as the fraudsters suddenly disappear. One glaring concern is the absence of a customer service phone contact on the site. Furthermore, the company falsely claims partnerships, which upon closer investigation, are revealed to be illegitimate. Various pages on the website seem unfinished, filled with default content and placeholder texts. The website’s origins trace back to a foreign company, adding to its suspicious nature. Another red flag is the complete absence of any social media presence linked to the website.

In essence, a crypto exchange scam is a fraudulent scheme where a website or platform presents itself as a legitimate cryptocurrency exchange. However, after users invest their money hoping for significant returns, the operators of the scam take the money and disappear. This typically happens on websites with no customer service contacts, false partnership claims, unfinished pages, and no social media presence.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Fake reviews
Foreign company
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No social media
A crypto exchange scam is a fraudulent scheme that involves tricking individuals into investing in cryptocurrencies. The scammers usually operate through online platforms. They will promise high returns and use various tactics to convince people to invest. Crypto exchange scams often involve creating fake websites that mimic legitimate cryptocurrency exchanges. These websites can look very convincing. They may use similar logos, website designs, and even similar domain names to the real exchange. Once you deposit your money into these fake exchanges, the scammers will steal it. They can also steal your personal information, leading to identity theft. It's essential to verify the legitimacy of a crypto exchange before investing. Another common type of scam is the "pump and dump" scheme. In this scam, the fraudsters will artificially inflate the price of a lesser-known cryptocurrency. They will then encourage others to buy it, causing the price to rise further. Once the price is high enough, the scammers will sell their shares and disappear. This will cause the price to crash, leaving the other investors with worthless coins. Always be cautious when investing in cryptocurrencies. Do your research and avoid deals that seem too good to be true.


Consumers have flagged Coinsfxtrader.com as a dubious investment scheme. The site promises high returns on investments, but after depositing money, investors find themselves duped as the fraudsters disappear. The site doesn’t have any social media footprint. The site contains a plethora of unfinished pages, littered with default content and placeholder text. It claims partnerships that […]


On February 12, 2023, a user on ScamGuard reported Usafrmxshop.com as a fake online store. This website is newly registered, with a registration date of December 6, 2022, and is currently 60 days old. Despite claiming to be located at 4804 Five Points Baltimore MD US 21201, there is no evidence of such an address […]


We’ve found that Walnert.com is functioning as a counterfeit shop scheme. When we discovered it, the site was merely 48 days old. Unfortunately, there’s no phone number listed for customer assistance on the site. The content on this website lacks originality, suggesting it hasn’t been replicated from other comparable sites. The products up for sale […]


Loverainstorm.com, a 57-day-old website, has been identified as perpetrating a fake store scam. The site offers no phone contact for customer service, raising suspicions. Moreover, a close examination of the website’s content reveals a striking similarity with other sites of the same genre, hinting at a lack of originality. The site features articles that promote […]


We have found evidence indicating that Oceantradingltd.com is engaging in fraudulent forex activities. This discovery was made when we noticed that the website had only been active for a short period of 43 days. The scammers behind this scheme entice potential investors with promises of significant profits, but once money is invested, they abscond with […]

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