9 months ago


Investment scams

Digitaldexltd.info operates a deceptive investment scheme. They promise substantial returns on your investment. However, after you put your money in, they vanish into thin air with your funds. Comprehensive searches of popular consumer review platforms yield no reviews for this company. Their presence in the social media sphere remains a mystery. Our investigations reveal several incomplete pages on their website, populated with default content and placeholder text. They claim to have online partnerships, but our findings suggest otherwise. Images on their website paint an inaccurate picture of the product they offer.

An investment scam involves a fraudulent business or individual promising high returns to lure investors. Once the investors put their money in, the fraudsters abscond with the funds, leaving the investors with significant losses.

Red Flags

Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Fake reviews
New website
Phone disconnected
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a deceitful practice that involves false promises of financial gain. It's a scheme where scam artists convince people to invest money with them. They promise high returns with little to no risk. However, the reality is usually the opposite. The scammers mostly target individuals who are looking for quick ways to increase their wealth. They use persuasive tactics and appear knowledgeable about finance. Their offers often seem too good to be true because they are. Victims of these scams usually end up losing all their invested money. The scammers either disappear or come up with excuses for why the investment failed. It's crucial to be wary of such scams and conduct thorough research before investing your money Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Always verify the legitimacy of the investment and the person offering it.


Assetsgrowths.net has been identified as a fraudulent investment platform. This website, which has been active for 102 days at the time of this report, entices investors with the promise of high returns. However, the reality is that the scammers behind the website take the invested money and disappear. The website does not provide a customer […]


Realliveinvestmenttradings.com has been identified as a fraudulent investment operation. They promise attractive returns on your investments, but once you’ve invested your money, the fraudsters abscond with it. The contact numbers provided on their website are non-functional. The website itself is relatively new, having been registered merely 97 days ago at the time of this report. […]


The website Cultivatesupplys.shop has been identified as a fraudulent online store. This discovery was made when the website was just 91 days into operation. There is no customer service phone number listed on the site, raising suspicions. The content on the website appears to be copied from other similar sites, indicating a lack of originality. […]


Tradenetlegitinvest.com is operating a fraudulent investment scheme. They lure you in with the promise of substantial returns on your investment, but once you hand over your money, the fraudsters disappear. The images displayed on their website are misleading, failing to accurately represent the products they claim to offer. They also falsely claim to have partnerships […]


Kochcryptotrade.com has been flagged as an investment scam. It lures people in with promises of significant returns, only for the fraudsters to disappear with their deposits. Interestingly, the company doesn’t have a trace on any well-known consumer review platforms. The images displayed on their website also fail to accurately represent the services they claim to […]

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