2 months ago


Crypto scams

Cudotechmining.com, a newly established website, is involved in a cryptocurrency scam. The domain name, only 140 days old at the time of reporting, lacks a customer service contact number. The address provided for the business is also incorrect. There’s no trace of the company on any social media platforms. Promising substantial returns on investments, the website lures in unsuspecting investors. However, once the investment is made, the fraudsters abscond with the money.

A crypto scam is a fraudulent scheme that involves the use of cryptocurrencies. Scammers often promise high returns on investments and use various tactics to deceive people into investing their money. Once the investment is made, the scammers disappear with the funds.

Red Flags

Fake address
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
Crypto scams are prevalent in the digital world. They are fraudulent schemes that involve cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others. Scammers often promise high returns or "guaranteed profits" to lure victims in. The tactics they use are diverse. Some pretend to be famous figures or reputable companies. They ask for a small amount of cryptocurrency with the promise of sending back a larger amount, which never happens. Others create fake initial coin offerings (ICOs). They advertise new cryptocurrencies that don't actually exist. Once they've collected funds from investors, they disappear. Ponzi and pyramid schemes are also common in the crypto space. Scammers promise high returns to early investors, but these profits are simply payouts from the funds of later investors. When the flow of new investors slows, the scheme collapses. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Our investigation reveals that Capitaltradingcoins.net is functioning as a fraudulent investment scheme. The phone numbers provided on the site seem to be out of service, and the physical address of the business listed on the site is unverifiable. Doubts arise regarding the authenticity of the website’s content, as it bears striking similarities to other similar […]


Consumers have lodged complaints against Cexoption.com, accusing it of perpetuating an investment fraud. According to these allegations, the website promises massive returns on investments that never come through. Upon depositing their money, the clients find the alleged scammers have disappeared with their funds. A glaring absence of the company on any social media platform further […]


Truststakingoptions.com operates a crypto scam. The site promises substantial returns on your investment. However, once you invest, your money disappears into the hands of the scammers. Not a single review for the company can be located. The business lacks a presence on social media. Many pages on the website remain incomplete, filled with preset content […]


Assetwellinvestlimited.com has been flagged as a fraudulent investment platform. While they promise substantial returns on your investment, the reality is that your money is taken and the scammers disappear. The images displayed on their site are not genuine. The website itself is relatively new, having been registered only 45 days prior to this report. Notably, […]


Customers have flagged Focousa.shop as a deceptive online store. The website, which was created 32 days ago at the time of this report, appears to be involved in fraudulent activities. Notably, the website lacks a customer support phone number. The content of the site also raises suspicions, as it seems to mimic material from other […]

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