2 months ago


Investment scams

Ct-blocks.online is a scam. The website is 149 days old. It lacks a phone number for customer support. The address listed on the site is fake. They have no social media presence. Also, there are no reviews for the company.

An investment scam tricks people into giving money with promises of high returns, but the scammers take the money and disappear.

Red Flags

Fake address
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam involves fraudsters convincing individuals to invest money in fake or deceptive schemes. Scammers often promise high returns with little or no risk. They may claim to have insider information or exclusive opportunities unavailable to the general public. These scams can take various forms, such as Ponzi schemes, where returns for earlier investors are paid using new investors' funds. Another common tactic is the use of fake testimonials and endorsements to build credibility. Scammers may also create professional-looking websites and documents to appear legitimate. Pressure tactics are frequently employed. Scammers urge potential victims to act quickly, capitalizing on fear of missing out. This sense of urgency prevents thorough investigation and critical thinking.


Essencelivingshop.com is operating a scam disguised as an online store. Having been registered recently, the site is a mere 53 days old at the time of documenting this issue. The content on the site seems to mirror that of similar sites, suggesting a possibility of content duplication. The items available on this site are counterfeit, […]


Reports indicate Perficientcoin.net operates a crypto exchange scam. Discovery of the scam happened when the website was merely 37 days old. The website promises high percentage profits on initial investments, but it is merely a facade. Scammers use it as a platform to snatch deposited funds and then vanish. A search for company reviews on […]


Buffettcapmarkt.com runs a crypto exchange scam. The website was recently registered and is only 103 days old. It promises high returns on investments, but once you invest, the scammers take your money and disappear. There is no customer service phone number listed. The site has no social media followers. They provide a fake business address. […]


We’ve found out that Female-center.com isn’t what it claims to be, but a scam. At the point we discovered this, the website had been active for just 91 days. The products they offer aren’t real and could be potentially harmful due to the low-quality materials used in their production. It seems the website might be […]


The website Shopamericabestappliances.shop appears to be involved in a fraudulent operation. Interestingly, there is no customer service phone number listed on the site. What’s more, the images displayed on the site are not genuine. A closer look into the website reveals numerous incomplete pages, brimming with filler content and placeholder text. Notably absent is any […]

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