2 weeks ago


Crypto scams

Cryptopinia.com is running a crypto scam. The website is only 102 days old. It has stolen content from other sites. The business isn’t legally registered where it says it is. No reviews exist for the company on major review platforms. They also have no social media profiles.

Crypto scams trick people into sending money or personal information by pretending to be legitimate cryptocurrency businesses or investments.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake business name
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
A crypto scam often involves fraudulent schemes where scammers promise high returns on cryptocurrency investments. They lure victims by claiming guaranteed profits with minimal risk. These scams usually operate through fake websites, social media, or phishing emails. Scammers create a sense of urgency, pressuring individuals to invest quickly. They often use fake testimonials and endorsements from celebrities or influencers to build credibility. Some scams involve Ponzi schemes, where returns for older investors are paid using the capital from new investors. Victims are typically asked to transfer their cryptocurrency to a scammer's wallet, with the promise of receiving even more in return. Once the transfer is made, the scammer disappears, leaving the victim with nothing. These scams exploit people's fear of missing out on lucrative opportunities in the rapidly growing crypto market.


Premiumcoinpro.com, a website that’s only 145 days old, has been identified as a fraudulent investment operation. The contact numbers listed on the site are disconnected, and the physical address of the business is unverifiable. Furthermore, the company seems to have no presence on social media, and there are no reviews to be found. The site […]


Prousfitness.com, an online store, has been found to be fraudulent. The site is filled with pages still in development, filled to the brim with placeholder tags and default content. This site lacks the presence of any business social media profiles. It’s also found to be replete with duplicate content, which is not unique but copied […]


Our investigation has revealed that the website Maisonsoldemode.com is acting as a fraudulent online store. The website’s registration is recent, with the domain name being only 52 days old at the time of our findings. A glaring omission is the lack of a customer service phone number listed on the site. The content of the […]


Consumers have flagged Bit-turbo.pro for operating a fraudulent investment scheme. The website’s registration is recent, with the domain name just 23 days old at the time of these allegations. Fabricated reviews from imaginary customers fill the site, further adding to its deceitful nature. The absence of a customer service telephone line is noticeable. Despite claiming […]


Alpinetechltd.com, a newly established website, is functioning as a fraudulent operation. The domain name was registered 144 days ago, as per our report. The phone numbers listed on the site are not in service, and the address provided does not correspond to any existing business. Furthermore, the website claims to operate under a business name […]

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