7 months ago


Investment scams

Cryptoforexminingcompany.com, a relatively new website, has been identified as a fraudulent operation. The site, which was only 106 days old when the scam was discovered, promises high returns on investments. However, once the investment is made, the fraudsters abscond with the money. The website lacks a customer service contact number, which is a red flag. The images displayed on the site are misleading and do not accurately represent the product being sold. Furthermore, the affiliations the company claims to have are fictitious.

An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where individuals are enticed to invest their money with the promise of high returns. However, once the money is invested, the fraudsters disappear, leaving the investors at a loss.

Red Flags

Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Recently registered

Missing Information

No business address
No business name
No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam involves con artists who trick people into putting money into false or non-existent investments. This often comes in the guise of a "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity that promises high returns with little to no risk. Scammers are skilled at making their schemes sound legitimate. They may use professional-looking websites, testimonials, and complex jargon to appear credible. It's not uncommon for them to pressure their targets into making quick decisions. A common tactic is the "Ponzi scheme". In this, scammers use money from new investors to pay returns to earlier investors, creating the illusion of a profitable investment. Over time, when new investments slow down, the scheme collapses, leaving many investors with significant losses.


On February 12, 2023, a user on ScamGuard reported Usafrmxshop.com as a fake online store. This website is newly registered, with a registration date of December 6, 2022, and is currently 60 days old. Despite claiming to be located at 4804 Five Points Baltimore MD US 21201, there is no evidence of such an address […]


Customers have reported Cryptocoinlite.com for operating a fraudulent investment scheme. They promise high returns on your investment, but once you deposit your money, the fraudsters abscond with it. Notably, there are no reviews for the company on any major consumer review websites. The merchandise depicted in the photos on the site doesn’t accurately represent what’s […]


Reports suggest Onlinesgoods.com operates as a fraudulent shop. The website, only eight days old during the report, lacked a solid presence on social media platforms. No reviews about the company were found on any popular consumer review platforms. The site contains many web pages that are still under construction, filled with placeholder text and default […]


Totalusalfresco.com, a relatively new website, is under scrutiny for being a fraudulent online store. Despite being just 92 days old, the site has already raised eyebrows due to its unfinished pages filled with placeholder content and nonsensical text. The lack of social media presence for the business is another red flag. Moreover, the physical address […]


On February 10, 2023, Occurre.com was reported as a fake online store. Occurre.com is a recently registered domain name, created on December 18, 2022. The website ownership is concealed by a third-party privacy service. Despite claiming to operate from England, evidence suggests that Occurre.com actually a website operated from China, with the exact physical location […]

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