stands accused by buyers of conducting a counterfeit store fraud. This scheme came to light only 20 days after the website’s inception. A conspicuous absence of a customer service contact number raises suspicion. The content on this site lacks novelty and displays signs of mimicry from other similar platforms. Fabrications dominate the product lineup on this site, potentially hazardous due to the subpar quality of materials used for their creation. The corporate address provided on the site is devoid of reality. Exploration of the website led to the discovery of several incomplete pages teeming with default content and placeholder text. The social media accounts linked to the company have failed to amass any followers.
Fake store scams are schemes where fraudsters create sham online shops, selling counterfeit goods or often just taking money for non-existent products. These scams often involve poor quality materials, non-existent customer service, and false contact information.