2 weeks ago


Crypto scams

Codewavecryptoinvest.com is a scam site pretending to be a crypto exchange. The content on the site looks fake and is not copied from other similar pages. The website is new, only 102 days old when checked. They promise high returns on your investment, but once you send your money, the scammers take it and vanish. The company also lacks any social media presence, making it even more suspicious.

Crypto exchange scams involve fake websites that promise high returns but steal your money once you invest.

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A crypto exchange scam involves fraudsters creating fake platforms that appear legitimate. They often promise high returns on investments and low transaction fees. These scammers use professional-looking websites and fake testimonials to build trust. They lure victims by offering exclusive deals or bonuses for early investors. Once people deposit their funds, the scammers either disappear or prevent withdrawals. They may also use phishing tactics to steal personal information. Victims often realize the scam only after their funds are inaccessible. Scammers continuously adapt their tactics to stay ahead of detection. They exploit the lack of regulation in the cryptocurrency space to operate freely.


The website Jonathtaylor.com is suspected of being a deceptive online store. The suspicion arose when the website was only 52 days old. It lacks a customer support phone number, a feature most legitimate businesses provide. The content on the site appears to be copied from other similar sites, raising further questions about its credibility. The […]


It appears that Hikingexquisite.com is a fraudulent online store. The merchandise sold through this site is imitation, which could be hazardous due to the inferior materials used in their production. The operation seems to be rooted in China. The scam was uncovered when the site was barely three months old. Images on the site do […]


Customers have flagged Desigdress.com for operating a fraudulent online store. The website, which was 128 days old at the time of the report, lacks a customer service phone number. The images displayed on the site do not accurately represent the products for sale. The company has no social media presence, and there are no reviews […]


Consumers have lodged complaints against Exlirbit.com, accusing it of operating a fraudulent investment scheme. The company promises significant returns on your investment. However, after you’ve transferred your funds, the fraudsters abscond with your money. Several sections of the website are still under construction, filled with default content and placeholder text. The company’s advertised online partnerships […]


Adriantrinty.com, a relatively new website, is currently engaging in a dubious operation known as a fake store scam. This site, which is only 56 days old at the time of writing, lacks key information such as a contact phone number for customer service. The website’s content, far from being unique or original, appears to be […]

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