9 months ago


Fake stores

Coastlivingroom.com, which we recently discovered, appears to be running a scam under the guise of a legitimate store. It was just 56 days old when we came across it, heightening our suspicions. Notably missing from the website is a customer service phone number, which is typically a red flag. The authenticity of the content on the site is dubious as it does not align with similar web pages. Images displayed on the site seem to be counterfeit. The presence of numerous incomplete pages filled with generic content, along with filler text, raises additional concerns. Moreover, we were unable to locate any customer reviews for this company on well-known review platforms.

Fake store scams refer to fraudulent online shops that con customers into making purchases, but never deliver the promised products. These scams often feature generic content placeholder text, lack customer service contacts and have no customer reviews.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
A fake store scam is a type of online fraud. Scammers create a website that mimics a reputable store in detail. They showcase a wide variety of products at incredibly low prices. These con artists typically lure in unsuspecting shoppers with unbelievable deals. The goal is to entice you into making a purchase. Once you've made a purchase, they have access to your credit card information. Scammers employ various tactics to make their fake websites appear legitimate. They might use professional graphics, user reviews, and even customer service representatives. In some cases, after the transaction, the scammer sends cheap, low-quality items instead of the advertised product. In most cases, they simply take your money and disappear, leaving you with nothing but a lighter wallet.


Optimalyieldtrade.com, a website in its infancy of just 77 days, was found to be orchestrating a crypto exchange scam. Investors are enticed by the site’s alluring promises of high percentage gains on their original investments. However, the reality is quite different. The money deposited by the unsuspecting investors is stolen by the scammers only to […]


Zidvioninvestment.com stirs up suspicions of managing an investment scam. A mere 35 days after its launch, the scam came to light. The website lacks a customer service phone number. It showcases a business address that turns out to be nonexistent. The item’s true nature is misrepresented by the graphics on this webpage. Many unfinished pages, […]


Monicaandandyus.shop got exposed for operating a fake store scam, just 32 days after its inception. The website lacks a customer service phone number, raising suspicions. Content on this site has been lifted from other similar websites, casting doubt on its originality. They use stock images to represent their products, instead of actual photographs. Unfinished pages […]


Amplizone.shop is operating a counterfeit store swindle. The products offered on this site are fraudulent and could potentially pose risks due to the subpar materials used in their manufacture. The content on this site appears to be unoriginal, likely pulled from similar destinations on the web. When discovered, the website was a mere 29 days […]


Hpclub.shop is involved in a counterfeit operation. You won’t find this company on any social media platforms. Unfinished pages on their website are filled with generic content and placeholder text. The phone numbers listed are unresponsive, raising suspicion. The listed address points to a location where no such business exists. Content on the site appears […]

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