4 days ago


Fake stores

Chiikawamarketj.shop runs a fake store scam. The site seems to be managed from China. It has many unfinished pages with placeholder text. The products shown are fake and might be dangerous because of the low-quality materials used. The content isn’t original. There’s no social media presence for the business.

A fake store scam is a fraudulent website that pretends to sell products but either delivers low-quality items or nothing at all.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No social media
A fake store scam involves creating a fraudulent online store to deceive customers. Scammers design these websites to look legitimate, often mimicking well-known brands. They offer products at incredibly low prices to attract unsuspecting buyers. These fake stores promise fast shipping and high-quality items. They may use professional-looking photos and detailed product descriptions. Scammers often claim to have limited stock to create a sense of urgency. Tactics include fake customer reviews and social media advertisements. They may also use stolen logos and trademarks. Payment methods are usually limited to credit cards or wire transfers, making it hard for victims to get refunds. Once a purchase is made, the products never arrive. The website may disappear, leaving customers with no way to contact the seller.


Customers have reported Coinmetroinvest.com for operating a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange. The website, barely 20 days old when reported, promises substantial returns. Yet, it appears that the scammers disappear once they receive deposits. A noticeable absence is a phone number for customer service. The reviews featured on the website are not genuine, as they are not […]


Golfofshop.com, a website only 91 days old, has been exposed as a fraudulent online store. No reviews for the company are to be found on well-known consumer review websites, raising suspicion. The products offered on the website are counterfeit, potentially hazardous due to the subpar materials used in their creation. Research indicates that the website’s […]


A1qualitystocks.com has earned a reputation as a fraudulent forex trading platform. The website is relatively new, having been registered merely 79 days before it came under scrutiny. It lures potential investors with promises of substantial profits. However, once the investment is made, the scammers abscond with the money, leaving the investors high and dry. Despite […]


Accusations swirl around Easyearningfx.com, with allegations of it being a crypto exchange scam. The website, only 20 days old at the time of the accusations, is a recent addition to the online world. The domain name’s age is a red flag. Another alarming factor is the absence of a customer service phone number listed on […]


Dailygrosstrade.com has been identified as a fraudulent investment platform. The website, which has been operational for 90 days at the time of this report, lures potential investors with the promise of significant returns on their initial investments. However, it’s merely a scheme where scammers abscond with the deposited funds. There is no customer support contact […]

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