Our investigation reveals that Casualbyxor.com is not a legitimate operation, but a scam. A closer look at the website’s data shows its content is not original, but copied from other similar websites. The so-called products listed on this online store are fake, and the low-quality materials used in their creation could potentially pose safety risks. The product images posted don’t truly depict what’s being sold. We also found many incomplete pages riddled with default content and placeholder text on the website. The company has virtually no presence on social media, and there are no customer reviews to be found anywhere. The website itself is quite new; at the time of our investigation, the domain name was merely 56 days old,
A fake store scam is a fraudulent operation where an online store is created to appear legitimate, but instead it’s a front for nefarious activities. These sites often display copied content, fake products, and lack customer reviews or social media presence. They may also be recently registered. The goal is to trick unsuspecting shoppers into making purchases or giving away sensitive information.