2 months ago


Fake stores

Cashmeprodu.com operates a fraudulent online store. The website, at the time of investigation, had been active for 127 days. It lacks a customer service phone number. The products offered are knock-offs, potentially hazardous due to the substandard materials used in their production. The images displayed on the site do not accurately represent the products for sale. The site fails to provide the official business name. It has no presence on any social media platforms. Furthermore, there are no customer reviews available on any well-known consumer review sites.

A fake store scam involves a fraudulent website posing as a legitimate online store. They offer counterfeit goods, often using misleading images and descriptions. These sites often lack customer service contacts, business information, and social media presence. They also typically have no customer reviews on reputable review sites.

Red Flags

Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No business name
No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a type of fraud perpetrated online. Scammers create a fake online store offering goods at unbeatable prices. The website often appears very professional, with high-quality images and convincing product descriptions. The scammer's goal is to trick people into making a purchase. After payment, either the goods are never delivered or they are counterfeit, substandard, or not as described. Scammers use a variety of tactics to appear legitimate. They may use fake reviews and testimonials, and often have customer service contact information. However, attempts to contact them usually go unanswered. Remember that if a deal appears too good to be true, it probably is. Always do your research before purchasing from an unfamiliar online store.


Bit-worldnet.com is a scam. When discovered, the site was just 162 days old. The contact numbers listed on the site don’t work. The address given on the site is fake. The business name the site uses isn’t registered in the state it claims to be in. They have no social media presence. The site promises […]


Our investigation has revealed that Finaplimited.live, a seemingly promising investment platform, is actually a fraudulent operation. The website lures potential investors with the promise of high returns on their initial investments. However, in reality, the scammers behind the site pocket the deposited money and vanish. A closer look at the website reveals several unfinished pages […]


Numerous users have flagged Smartscraperslimited.com as a platform for an investment scam. This website is a recent creation, with the domain name just over a month old at the point of reporting. They persuade you that your contribution will bring in substantial profits, yet after you’ve invested your hard-earned money, the fraudsters disappear with it. […]


Consumers have raised concerns about Virtuapex.org, alleging that it is operating an investment scam. The website promises substantial returns on your investment, but once the money is sent, it is pilfered by the fraudsters who then disappear. The company practically has no presence on social media platforms. Numerous incomplete pages imbued with placeholder text and […]


The website 3dmmotorsport.shop is involved in a fraudulent scheme, posing as a legitimate online store. It has been found to plagiarize content, copying from other similar websites in a clear act of imitation. The goods listed in its inventory are mere replicas, and their production involves the use of substandard materials, which could potentially pose […]

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