7 months ago


Investment scams

Capital-adv.com practices fraudulent activity, posing as a legitimate investment opportunity. They entice potential investors with the lure of substantial returns, only to disappear once the money is transferred. This deceitful website is noticeably absent from all social media platforms, a glaring red flag for any online business. Additionally, several sections of the website are unfinished, riddled with generic text and placeholder content, further showcasing its dubious nature. The alleged collaborations advertised on the website are far from reality, adding to the list of false claims made by Capital-adv.com. The products displayed on the website are represented by stock images, a cheap attempt at appearing genuine.

An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where individuals are duped into transferring money with the promise of high returns. The fraudsters, however, make off with the money, leaving the investors with nothing.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a deceptive scheme. It's designed to take your hard-earned money under the guise of a promising business opportunity. Scammers may claim to have insider information about a little-known but high-return investment. They create a sense of urgency to pressure you into investing before you've had time to research. Common tactics include promising high returns with little to no risk. They may also use complex jargon, making the deal sound too technical for you to understand. In addition, they might show you fake testimonials from other investors to make the scam appear legitimate. Remember, if an investment opportunity sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Be wary of unsolicited investment offers and always take time to do your own research.


Reports indicate that Cazoofinace.com is a fraudulent investment enterprise. They promise hefty returns but allegedly disappear once they secure deposits. Despite an exhaustive search, not a single review about the company surfaced on well-known consumer review websites. The company’s presence on social media platforms is almost invisible. A visit to their website reveals several incomplete […]


As of February 19, 2023, Trylushlashes.com has been flagged as a fake online store. Despite having a registration date of May 26, 2022, the website is still relatively new, having been active for only 268 days at the time of the first complaint. Customers attempting to contact the site via phone are greeted with an […]


Tescocryptostock.com is engaging in fraudulent activities by promising huge returns on investments. However, once you deposit your money, the manipulators abscond with it. Many pages on the site are still under construction, replete with generic content and placeholder entries. The online affiliations that the firm boasts about on its site are entirely fabricated. Furthermore, the […]


Capswagshop.shop is caught operating a scam. The website’s registration is fresh, barely reaching 28 days old the moment this report took shape. There’s no phone number for customer service. The content of the website lacks authenticity, strikingly similar to other similar sites. A clear sign of foul play is the fake photos littering the site. […]


Sapientfinancial.ltd has come under scrutiny for questionable operations, with many suspecting it to be a fraudulent investment scheme. The company promises high returns on investments, however, once the funds are transferred, the company vanishes, leaving investors in the lurch. The company’s online presence is virtually non-existent, with no social media footprint to speak of. The […]

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