2 weeks ago


Fake stores

Candmoutlet.com is a fake store scam. The products on this site are counterfeit and could be dangerous because they use low-quality materials. The website is 104 days old. It copies content from other sites. Many pages are still in development, filled with default content and placeholder tags. The business address listed on the site can’t be verified. Their social media accounts have no followers.

Fake store scams trick people into buying counterfeit or non-existent products.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake address
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No social media
Fake store scams involve setting up a website that looks like a legitimate online store. Scammers design these sites to mimic popular retail websites, complete with professional graphics and detailed product descriptions. They often promise huge discounts or exclusive deals to lure customers. Scammers use social media ads and email promotions to attract potential victims. They make the checkout process smooth and even provide fake order confirmation emails. The goal is to collect payment information or personal data from unsuspecting customers. These fake stores typically offer high-demand items at prices that seem too good to be true. They may claim limited stock or time-sensitive offers to create a sense of urgency. Once payment is made, the products never arrive, and the website may disappear.


On February 20, 2022, Pursefectly.com was reported as a fake online store. The website is a newly registered domain name, with a registration date of December 9, 2023. At the time of the initial complaint, the website was only 65 days old. Despite Pursefectly.com’s claim of being a marketplace for used luxury brand purses, there […]


The website Capital-global.online has been flagged as a potential investment scam. Promising high returns on your investment, the site entices unsuspecting individuals to part with their money. However, once the funds are transferred, the fraudsters vanish, leaving the investors high and dry. The website’s content raises further suspicions, as it appears to have been lifted […]


Hikingfast.com, a relatively new website, is operating a fraudulent online store. Although it has only been active for a mere 92 days, it’s already raising suspicions. The products displayed on the website are not accurately represented by the images provided. These inaccurate portrayals of the items are misleading to potential customers, and purchasing them could […]


Fashionenamored.com operates under a deceptive business model. It’s a relatively new website, having only been established 91 days ago at the time of reporting. The site offers products that are not only inauthentic but also potentially harmful due to the substandard materials used in their production. The operation appears to be based in China, despite […]


Cointradingmaster.xyz is running an investment scam. The site just got registered and is only 8 days old. It claims to operate under a business name that isn’t registered with the state. The company has no followers on its social media accounts, which is a red flag. An investment scam tricks people into putting money into […]

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