9 months ago


Fake stores

Consumers have flagged Caitlinwilsons.shop as a dubious online store. The images on the site are not genuine, and the products showcased are of questionable authenticity, potentially posing safety risks due to the inferior materials used in their creation. The scam came to light when the website was merely 92 days into its operation. The absence of a customer service phone number on the website further raises suspicions. The content on this website lacks uniqueness, suggesting it may have been copied from similar sites. Additionally, the website is riddled with incomplete pages filled with preset content and placeholder text.

A fake store scam is an online scheme where a website pretends to sell products but in reality, it’s a trap to deceive unsuspecting customers. The items displayed are often non-existent or of poor quality, and the site may use copied images or descriptions from legitimate websites. Once a purchase is made, the scammer either doesn’t deliver the product or sends a substandard item.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No business address
No contact page
No phone numbers
No refund policy
A fake store scam is a fraudulent scheme operated by con-artists. These individuals create an illusion of a legitimate online store. It displays high-quality images of popular, often pricey items at incredibly low prices. The aim is to lure you into buying these bargain deals. When you make a purchase, a few different scenarios can occur. Some scammers will send you a poor-quality version of the product, others might send you nothing at all. In both cases, they've already gotten your money, and it can be extremely hard to get it back. Another worrying aspect is your personal information. Scammers can use your credit card details and personal information for identity theft. Thes circumstances make fake store scams not just about monetary loss, but potential, long-term identity theft. The virtual nature of the internet and quick setup of websites makes these scams increasingly prevailing. Scammers often use clever tactics to make their fake stores appear legitimate, such as fake reviews and professional-looking web design.


Furniturcoze.com, an online shopping platform, has been identified as a fraudulent entity. Having been in operation for 91 days at the time of this discovery, the website has been flagged for peddling counterfeit items. These imitations are not only deceptive, but also potentially harmful due to the substandard materials used in their production. Investigation reveals […]


A new site called Alphastocking.com is running a crypto exchange scam. The scam was found out when the site was just 103 days old. The company has no followers on social media. No reviews exist for it on major review sites. The website’s content isn’t original. Many pages have default text and placeholders. The business […]


Coinsagefarm.com is conducting a fraudulent investment operation. They promise substantial returns on your investment, but once they receive your money, they vanish without a trace. Several pages on their website are still under construction, filled with placeholder text and empty spaces. The online partnerships they claim to have are not real. The images displayed on […]


Kuvurcoin.com, a website only 99 days old, is found to be orchestrating an investment scam. Despite claiming to be legally established in a certain state, the business lacks the necessary legal credentials. The partnerships showcased on the website are nothing but a sham. A closer look at the website reveals unfinished pages filled with default […]


Forexalpha.ltd, a website that’s been active for just 141 days, is involved in a forex scam. The site lacks a customer support phone number, making it difficult for users to seek assistance. Furthermore, the company’s absence on social media platforms raises eyebrows. The website promises high returns on investments, but the reality is quite different. […]

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