5 days ago


Fake stores

Boonesovers.shop, a domain registered just 10 days ago, is running a fraudulent store. The site offers counterfeit goods that may be hazardous due to subpar materials. The content is unoriginal, and the website has no social media presence.

A fake store scam involves a fraudulent website selling counterfeit or non-existent products, often using recently registered domains and lacking social media presence.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam involves creating a fraudulent online store. Scammers design these websites to look legitimate, often copying well-known brands. They promise high-quality products at low prices to attract customers. Scammers use professional-looking websites and social media ads. They offer limited-time deals to create urgency. Customers make purchases, but the products never arrive. Sometimes, they send counterfeit or low-quality items. These fake stores often have fake reviews and testimonials. They use secure-looking payment gateways to appear trustworthy. Once they collect payment information, they disappear, leaving customers with no recourse. The main goal is to steal money and personal information. They exploit people's desire for bargains. Many victims realize too late that they have been deceived.


Reports have surfaced of Leveledupinstitute.com operating as an investment scam. They entice potential investors with promises of high returns, only to vanish once the investment is made. The website itself is relatively new, having been registered a mere 42 days ago at the time of this report. In addition, the site lacks a customer service […]


People have reported Swifsuppory.com as a fraudulent investment site. The site promises high returns on your investments. However, once you invest, the fraudsters abscond with your money. It’s impossible to find any customer reviews for this company on well-known review sites. Furthermore, the company lacks a presence on any social media platforms. There are numerous […]


The website Assets-miner.com comes under suspicion for fraudulent activities in the crypto exchange sector. The veil of deceit lifts when the website’s age is just 17 days. They paint a picture of extravagant profits through investment, but once you invest, the fraudsters disappear, taking your money. The company has no presence on any social media […]


Succpurag-us.com has garnered attention as a fraudulent investment scheme. They promise hefty returns on investment, yet once you invest, the scammers disappear with your money. Interestingly, there’s a conspicuous absence of reviews about the company. The firm’s social media footprint is practically non-existent. Many pages on their website are still in the development phase, populated […]


Bitblocktrade.com is a crypto scam. The website was only 102 days old when it was detected. It promises big returns on your investment, but once you invest, the scammers take your money and disappear. There’s no phone number for customer service on the site. The online partnerships it claims are fake. Not a single review […]

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