9 months ago


Investment scams

Blueskywelth.com has been identified as a fraudulent investment scheme. They promise high returns on your investment, but once you transfer your money, they vanish without a trace. The website is relatively new, with the domain name being just 96 days old at the time of this discovery. The contact numbers provided on their site are currently non-operational. Furthermore, no business could be located at the address they’ve listed on their website. Their presence on social media platforms is almost negligible.

An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where individuals are enticed to part with their money with the promise of high returns. The scammers usually disappear after receiving the funds, leaving the investors with significant losses.

Red Flags

Fake address
Phone disconnected
Recently registered

Missing Information

No privacy policy
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam often involves a fraudster convincing potential investors to put their money into a fake opportunity. These promises of significant returns usually come with little to no risk. The scheme often involves assets that exist or not, like stocks, bonds, or land. Common tactics include high-pressure sales techniques. They push for immediate action, sighting limited availability or a narrow time frame. The scammer often appears knowledgeable and professional, using fancy jargons to sound legitimate. Often, the fraudster has no qualifications. They aren't regulated by financial authorities. They may also use fake testimonials, showing success stories of previous investors to allay any fears. The fraudsters often disappear with the investments, leaving investors empty-handed. These scams can be online, via phone calls, by email, or in person.


Alfrescouspromo.com, a website that’s been active for just 91 days, is involved in a deceptive scheme. This fraudulent online store has been identified due to its striking similarities with other websites of the same genre, indicating a lack of originality. The products advertised on this site are not only false but could also pose a […]


Our investigations reveal that Shopkappaus.shop is a fraudulent online store. When we first noticed, the website was just a month old. The lack of a customer service phone number on the website is a red flag. Another alarming factor is the presence of duplicate content. The website’s content is not original, it’s ripped off from […]


Cybercapitalfx.ltd is engaging in an investment scam. They deceive investors with promises of high returns, but once you invest, the scammers vanish with your money. The company has no presence on social media platforms. We discovered incomplete pages on their website, filled with generic content and temporary text. The company falsely claims collaborations on their […]


Energeticyorkiehome.com raises suspicion for potential pet fraud. The website’s creation is recent, with its domain name only 17 days old at the time of this report. There is no phone number for customer service provided on the site. Reviews on the site appear to be false, coming from individuals who do not exist. The images […]


Frenchiecompanions.com raises suspicions of pet fraud. A false online address serves as the business location. The company name that the website purports to use lacks registration in the purported state of operation. Site images misrepresent the actual products. Uncovered was the scam when the website aged only eight days. The site lacks a customer service […]

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