7 days ago


Investment scams

Bitproffittrade.live has been flagged as an investment scam. When discovered, the site was just 13 days old. It lacks a customer service phone number. The address listed for the company is fake. Promises of high returns lure you in, but once you invest, the scammers vanish with your money. Reviews for the company are non-existent. The company’s social media accounts have no followers.

An investment scam tricks people into investing money with the promise of high returns, only to steal their funds.

Red Flags

Fake address
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam tricks people into giving money with false promises of high returns. Scammers often guarantee quick profits or claim their investment is risk-free. They use persuasive language and professional-looking websites or documents. Scammers may say they have insider information or exclusive opportunities. They often pressure victims to act fast, creating a sense of urgency. They might also use fake testimonials to build trust. Some scammers impersonate legitimate financial advisors or companies. They might ask for personal information or upfront fees. Once they get the money, they disappear or provide fake updates. These scams can be complex and convincing. Victims often lose their entire investment.


Shopjunioredition.shop has gained notoriety as a fraudulent scam store. The website was exposed as a scam after a mere 32 days of its creation. A critical red flag is the absence of any customer service phone number on the site. The website’s content seems to be rehashed, likely lifted from similar sources. Images on the […]


The website known as Shopthirteenlune.shop has been found to be involved in a counterfeit store scam. This discovery was made when the website was merely a month old. A conspicuous absence of a customer support phone number raises suspicion about its legitimacy. The items being sold on the site are not genuine, and the low-quality […]


Spielzeugnew.com, a website only 143 days old, is operating a counterfeit store scam. The site doesn’t provide a customer service phone number. All the products displayed on this platform are fake, and their low-quality materials could be hazardous. The pictures on the site don’t accurately represent the products they’re selling. Furthermore, the company has no […]


Our investigation has revealed that Filsonclothes.com is functioning as a fraudulent online store. The website has a recent registration, with the domain name being a mere 53 days old at the time of our inquiry. A noticeable absence is a customer service phone number, which raises concerns. We’ve also discovered that the content on this […]


Mannjng.com, a website that’s been active for 67 days, has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. It has been noticed that the content on the site seems to have been lifted from other similar websites, raising questions about its originality. The products they advertise are represented by generic stock images, which is another red […]

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