2 months ago


Investment scams

Bitpandtrade.com is operating a fraudulent investment scheme. The website, which has been active for 144 days at the time of this report, lacks a visible customer service number. The business address provided on the site is phony. Its presence on social media is almost invisible. No reviews for the company are available on well-known consumer review platforms. They promise you high returns on your investment, but once you invest, the fraudsters take the money and disappear.

Investment scams are deceptive practices where fraudsters convince individuals to invest in high-return opportunities. The scammers then run off with the money, leaving the investors with nothing.

Red Flags

Fake address
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
Investment scams often involve false promises of high returns with little to no risk. Scammers may claim to have insider information or use complex jargon to appear knowledgeable. They may offer opportunities in sectors like real estate, stocks, or commodities. These offers often come unsolicited, through cold calls, emails, or social media messages. Scammers can create convincing, professional-looking websites. They may also provide fake documents to convince you of their legitimacy. Sometimes, they use a tactic called a "Ponzi scheme". They use money from new investors to pay returns to earlier investors. This gives the illusion of a successful investment. Remember, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Always do your own research before investing your hard-earned money.


Hydex.app is running an investment scam. They promise lucrative returns on your investment, but instead, the scammers take your money and disappear. Major review platforms have no reviews for this platform. The photos displayed on the website do not accurately represent the actual products. The website’s content lacks originality and seems to copy content from […]


Leedinvest.online, a relatively new website at just 145 days old, has been identified as perpetrating an investment scam. The contact numbers provided on the site appear to be out of service, and the business location listed is not genuine. Despite its online presence, the website has failed to garner any followers on social media platforms. […]


Customers have flagged Shopmodernica.shop for operating a bogus online store. The site lacks a customer service phone number, raising red flags. Its originality is questionable, as it bears striking resemblances to other similar websites. The items displayed on the website are not genuine and could potentially be harmful due to the inferior materials used in […]


Reports indicate that Advancebinance.org is a fraudulent investment platform. They lure potential investors with promises of high returns, but once the investment is made, the fraudsters pocket the money and vanish. The customer service details provided on the website are unattainable through the given phone numbers. The website is a recent creation, with the domain […]


We’ve found that Bdsupply.shop is running a deceptive operation, posing as a legitimate online store. The content on this website seems to be copied from similar sites, lacking any originality. The products offered on this platform are fake, and there’s a potential risk due to the poor-quality materials used in their creation. The website’s registration […]

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