9 months ago


Investment scams

Bitfury-miner.net is currently operating an investment scheme that’s designed to swindle people out of their money. They promise high returns on investments, but once the money is invested, the fraudsters abscond with it. The website is a recent creation, having been registered just 100 days ago at the time of this report. The business location information provided on the site is fabricated. There’s no customer service phone number listed on the site, and several pages on the website are incomplete, filled with default content and placeholder text. Furthermore, there is a conspicuous absence of company reviews.

An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where individuals are tricked into investing their money with the promise of high returns. However, instead of investing the money as promised, the scammers take the money and vanish, leaving the investors with significant losses.

Red Flags

Fake address
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
Investment scams are fraudulent business schemes perpetuated by persons who pretend to be financial advisors. They exploit individuals' desire for quick and high returns on their investments. Typically, these scammers promise guaranteed returns and little to no risk. This is a huge red flag as all investments entail some level of risk. The scammers often use high-pressure sales tactics. They urge potential investors to invest immediately, claiming the opportunity is limited. By creating a sense of urgency, they aim at making victims act without proper research or consultation. Another common characteristic is the promise of exotic or 'secret' investments. These may include, for example, overseas properties, precious metals or new technologies. Often, these opportunities aren't real or are vastly overhyped. In some cases, scammers may even pay returns to initial investors using funds obtained from later investors. This is a classic sign of a Ponzi scheme, a type of investment scam. Remember, if an investment opportunity sounds too good to be true, it probably is a scam.


Advancedsolutionsdisplay.shop has been identified as a fraudulent online store. This website is known to use generic images to represent the products it offers. The content found on the site is unoriginal, indicating a lack of authenticity. Products sold on this platform are counterfeit, posing potential risks due to the inferior quality of materials used in […]


Consumers have labelled Enigmaticaesthetics.com as a dubious online store, launching concerns over its authenticity. Although only 52 days old at the time of discovery, the website has already sparked suspicion. The products offered for purchase on this platform are not authentic, and their production involves the use of substandard materials, potentially posing a risk to […]


Closetld.com has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The website, which is relatively new, being only 53 days old at the time of discovery, lacks crucial contact information such as a customer service phone number. The authenticity of the content on this site is questionable, as it seems to have been copied from similar […]


Bitprofiter.com has been flagged as a fraudulent cryptocurrency platform. The website, which has been operating for 120 days, lacks a customer service phone number. Moreover, the physical address listed on their site doesn’t correspond to any known business. It also seems that the business isn’t registered in the state it purports to operate from. The […]


Consumers have reported that summitfxgroup.com operates an investment scam. This website promises high returns on investments, but once you invest, the scammers vanish with your money. Notably, the company lacks any reviews on trusted consumer review sites and has no presence on social media. Several pages on the website contain incomplete content and placeholder text. […]

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