11 months ago


Fake stores

We’ve discovered that Bikinissuit.com is running a fraudulent online shop. The website, which is 56 days old at the time of our investigation, appears to have lifted content from other similar sites, implying a lack of originality. It’s selling counterfeit products that could be hazardous due to the poor quality of the materials used in their production. The images shown on this site do not accurately represent the items for sale, misleading potential buyers. Plus, several incomplete pages on this website still contain default content and placeholder text.

A fake store scam, to put it simply, is a fraudulent scheme where a website pretends to be a legitimate online shop, they often display copied content, sell counterfeit products, and even use misleading images. These scams can pose serious financial and security risks to consumers.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts
A fake store scam happens when cybercriminals create a replica of a popular online store. They lure in customers with unbeatable deals and discounts. These fake portals often promise too-good-to-be-true offers. They use high-end products as bait, showcased at incredibly low prices. They strive to attract people into their scheme. Once the shoppers are hooked, they're asked to provide their credit card and personal information. The scammer then uses this info to steal money or commit identity theft. Fake stores often have a false sense of urgency. They create limited-time offers or stock-out situations to make customers act quickly without thinking. The design and layout of these websites are usually sleek, mimicking the look and feel genuine stores to deceive users. In a fake store scam, the buyers either receive counterfeit goods, something entirely different from the promised product or nothing at all.


Hikingfast.com, a relatively new website, is operating a fraudulent online store. Although it has only been active for a mere 92 days, it’s already raising suspicions. The products displayed on the website are not accurately represented by the images provided. These inaccurate portrayals of the items are misleading to potential customers, and purchasing them could […]


People have raised concerns about Homewarevilleroy.com, claiming it’s a scam. The products offered are not genuine and could potentially harm you because of the subpar materials used during production. The content on this website doesn’t appear original; it doesn’t seem to be plagiarized from other pages. Numerous unfinished pages filled with generic text and placeholder […]


Tradeglobe.org, a website we’ve recently discovered, appears to be running an investment scam. The site, only 140 days old when we found it, has several red flags. The phone numbers listed on the site are not in service. Furthermore, the physical address provided on the site doesn’t correspond to any known business. Lastly, there’s a […]


Empiretradefinance.com operates a crypto exchange scam. The website, only 96 days old at the time of reporting, entices investors with the prospect of high returns on their initial investment. However, once the money is deposited, the scammers disappear with it. The website doesn’t provide a customer service phone number. It also doesn’t list an official […]


Smarttradeway.com, a new website just 145 days old, is under suspicion for operating an investment scam. The site lacks a customer service phone number, raising red flags. Furthermore, the business is not legally registered in the state it claims to operate from. Its presence on social media is virtually non-existent, and there are no reviews […]

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