6 days ago


Fake stores

Bijouxuniverse.com has been exposed as a fraudulent store. The website’s content is plagiarized from another similar site, and its products are counterfeit, potentially harmful due to substandard materials. The graphics misrepresent the actual items, and many pages are incomplete, filled with placeholder text. The company lacks any social media presence, and there are no available reviews.

A fake store scam involves a fraudulent website that sells counterfeit or non-existent products, often using copied content and misleading graphics to deceive customers.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam involves creating a fraudulent online store to deceive customers. Scammers design these websites to look legitimate, often mimicking well-known brands. They promise high-quality products at unbelievably low prices to attract buyers. These stores may offer exclusive deals, limited-time offers, and free shipping. Scammers use professional-looking images and detailed product descriptions to build trust. They might also include fake customer reviews to enhance credibility. Once a customer makes a purchase, they either receive counterfeit goods or nothing at all. The website disappears shortly after. Payment information collected during these transactions can be used for identity theft. Victims often realize they’ve been scammed only after their money is gone.


Reports have surfaced about Valarisenergy.ltd being involved in investment fraud. The website promises lucrative returns on your investments, but when you invest money, it disappears into the hands of the fraudsters. Moreover, the company lacks a social media presence, a key factor in today’s digital era. Upon exploration of the website, one finds unfinished pages […]


Many consumers are speaking out against Shopnylingerie.shop, claiming it’s a sham. The website sprang up recently, with the domain name barely a month old. You might struggle to find a customer service number; it’s nowhere in sight on their site. The content on the site seems to be a carbon copy of similar websites, raising […]


Bitmaxglob.com, a website owned and operated by a foreign company, has faced accusations from consumers for orchestrating a cryptocurrency exchange scam. The website promises substantial returns on investments, luring unsuspecting individuals to invest their money. However, once the money is deposited, the fraudsters behind the scheme abscond with it. The scam came to light when […]


Beddingprom.com, an online platform, is currently involved in a dubious activity known as a fake store scam. The website, which is just 82 days old at the time of this report, appears to be operating out of China. It offers a range of items for sale, but these are not genuine products. Instead, they are […]


Coiprostrades.com, a website that promises remarkable returns on your initial investment, is actually a fraudulent scheme. They lure you in with the promise of significant profit, but once you hand over your money, the fraudsters disappear. The website was only 98 days old when the scam was discovered. The information provided on the site is […]

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