8 months ago


Crypto scams

Betamaxincome.com, a relatively new website, has been identified as a fraudulent crypto exchange platform. Despite its brief existence of just 78 days, it has already been flagged for scamming users. This platform entices potential victims with promises of substantial profits, only to allegedly disappear with their deposits. The partnerships and collaborations that the company claims to have on its website are completely fabricated. Furthermore, the company is noticeably absent from well-known consumer review platforms, indicating a lack of credibility. Additionally, the company’s social media presence is virtually non-existent, further raising suspicions.

A crypto exchange scam is a fraudulent scheme where a company purports to provide a platform for buying, selling, and trading cryptocurrencies, but in reality, they are after your deposits. They often lure victims with promises of high returns and vanish once they have your money. They typically have no real-world presence and their online presence is often suspicious, with no reviews or social media activity.

Red Flags

Fake partnerships
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
A crypto exchange scam is a type of fraud exploiting the boom in cryptocurrencies. The scammers typically set up fictitious trading platforms. These platforms promise high returns, quick profits, or even guaranteed outcomes. To make the scam believable, the operators often use sophisticated websites. Some even create fake customer testimonials. These testimonials are aimed at enhancing the platform's credibility. Scammers also employ tactics like initial success. Victims see 'profits' in their accounts, luring them into investing more. But, when they try to withdraw, problems begin. Delays might be the first red flag. In the end, the victim finds they can't get their money out. The ultimate goal of these scams is simple: to trick people into depositing cryptocurrencies or money into scammer-controlled wallets. Once the funds are transferred, the scammers disappear, leaving victims without their hard-earned savings.


Customers have voiced complaints about Mt5onlinetrading.org, accusing it of being a fraudulent investment scheme. The website, only 138 days old at the time of the report, lacks a customer service phone number. The address listed on the site does not correspond to any known business. Moreover, the company has no visible presence on social media […]


Dyrbergears.com, a recently established online store just 32 days old, has come under scrutiny for being a counterfeit operation. The website lacks a customer service phone number, raising immediate doubts about its legitimacy. An in-depth analysis of the site’s content reveals stark similarities with other websites, pointing to a lack of originality and potential plagiarism. […]


We’ve found that Elitecoinonline.org is running a deceptive investment scheme. The operators promise high returns on investment, but once you put your money in, they disappear, leaving you with a loss. Strangely, we couldn’t locate any reviews about the company. Furthermore, their social media accounts seemed to have no followers, raising more suspicions. Many pages […]


On February 27, 2023, a user of Scamguard reported Earn-gae23.buzz to be operating under the passive income category. The domain was registered on June 28, 2022, and belongs to a group of fraudulent websites that make promises of online wealth generation to subscribers. However, the reviews posted on the site are fabricated, and no subscriber […]


Reports from consumers reveal that Russmillsafetyus.shop is involved in fraudulent activities. Despite only being operational for 31 days at the time of these reports, the website has raised many red flags. One glaring issue is the lack of a customer service contact number on the platform. Further investigation also exposes that the website’s content isn’t […]

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