2 weeks ago


Fake stores

Bestshopmarineparts.com has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The site, which appears to be operated from China, was only 104 days old at the time of detection. The business address listed on the website is non-existent, and the company has no social media presence or customer service phone number. Additionally, the company is absent from major consumer review platforms, raising further suspicions about its legitimacy.

A fake store scam involves creating a fraudulent online store to deceive customers into making purchases, often resulting in financial loss and no delivery of goods.

Red Flags

Fake address
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam involves creating a fraudulent online store that appears legitimate. Scammers design these websites to look professional and trustworthy. They often use high-quality images and detailed product descriptions. These fake stores promise unbelievable deals and discounts to lure shoppers. They may advertise exclusive products at prices much lower than market value. Scammers often claim limited stock or time-sensitive offers to create a sense of urgency. Deceptive tactics include fake customer reviews and testimonials. They may also use stolen logos and branding from reputable companies. Some scammers create fake social media profiles to promote their store. Once a purchase is made, victims usually receive nothing or counterfeit goods. The scammer disappears, leaving no way to contact them for refunds.


Elite-crest.com, a recently registered domain, is running an investment scam. At the time of this report, the domain was only 10 days old. Managed by foreign entities, the website falsely claims a business location and lists non-functional customer service numbers. Additionally, it lacks any social media presence, further indicating its fraudulent nature. An investment scam […]


Our investigations show Tradecoverage.com works as an investment scam. Promises of high returns lure people in, but the deposits disappear without a trace. Tradecoverage.com maintains an elusive presence on well-known consumer review platforms. Few, if any, followers exist for their social media accounts. The website is a work in progress, filled with generic content and […]


Our investigation has revealed that Lamoredesign.shop is not a legitimate online store. The website, which was created 93 days ago, is running a scam operation. It lacks a customer service phone number, which is a red flag. Furthermore, the images used on the site do not accurately represent the products being sold. This is a […]


Mainetwealth.com, posing as a cryptocurrency exchange platform, is a scam. Investors are lured with the promise of high returns on their investments. However, once the money is invested, the fraudsters disappear without a trace. The company’s absence on well-known consumer review platforms raises a red flag. The same can be said for their social media […]


Consumers have raised concerns about Elitefinancelimited.company, alleging that it’s involved in a cryptocurrency scam. The website, which is relatively new with a domain name only 78 days old at the time of reporting, promises substantial profits. However, there are reports of scammers disappearing with deposits. Interestingly, the company is not registered in the state it […]

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