9 months ago


Investment scams

Bebsmartbrokers-fx.ltd is currently under the radar for running a deceptive investment scheme. The site makes grandiose promises of high returns on investments, but as soon as you part with your money, the fraudsters vanish into thin air. A number of website pages are still in the construction stage, plastered with generic content and stand-in details. The business partnerships they claim to have online are nothing but a sham. Furthermore, the images displayed on the website do not genuinely represent the products they claim to offer. The site lacks a listed phone number for client services. Another telling sign is the conspicuous absence of the company’s reviews.

When it comes to investment scams, they are essentially fraudulent business schemes where investors are lured with the promise of high returns or dividends. The scammers typically disappear once they have your money, leaving you with a significant financial loss.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No business address
No business name
No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
No SSL certificate
Investment scams trick people into putting money into fraudulent ventures. These scams typically offer high returns with little risk. Scammers usually use persuasive tactics. They can present as professionals, with glossy brochures and websites to appear legitimate. They may also use high pressure sales tactics, urging immediate investment to avoid missing out. Common promises made by scammers include "guaranteed returns", "high yield investment", or "risk-free investment". They could suggest that the investment is exclusive, or only available for a short time. In reality, the scammer takes the money. Often, the investment doesn't exist or it's worth far less than the scammer claimed. The promised returns are typically paid from the invested money of new victims, creating a cycle that eventually collapses.


Skyereturns.com has come under scrutiny from customers who claim the site is operating a fraudulent investment scheme. Promises of significant returns on investments lure unsuspecting individuals into the scam. However, once these individuals invest their hard-earned money, the fraudsters abscond with the funds. Strangely, this company maintains no presence on any social media platforms. The […]


Bronte-capital.info has been accused of being a fraudulent investment scheme. The website promises high returns, however, it’s alleged that the fraudsters disappear once they have received deposits. A large number of pages on the site are still under development, filled with generic content and placeholder text. The partnerships advertised on the company’s website are believed […]


Swanstradings.com is allegedly involved in an investment scam. Although the site promises significant returns on investments, it’s accused of swindling investors out of their money. Numerous incomplete pages, filled with generic content and placeholder text, can be found all over the site. The company lacks a presence on any social media platforms. Furthermore, the partnerships […]


Italian-lighting-center.shop is operating a deceptive scheme. Many of the pages on the website are still in the preliminary stages, filled with generic content and temporary entries. The images shown on this site do not truthfully represent the items being sold. A customer service phone number is absent from the site. The items listed on this […]


We received a report on February 29, 2023, suggesting that Cybrfortress.com may be involved in a business scam. Upon investigating the website, we found that it was recently registered on December 2, 2022. However, we also discovered that the address listed on their site, Suite 1, 5 Greenwich View Place, London, E14 9NN, does not […]

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