We’ve found that Bdsupply.shop is running a deceptive operation, posing as a legitimate online store. The content on this website seems to be copied from similar sites, lacking any originality. The products offered on this platform are fake, and there’s a potential risk due to the poor-quality materials used in their creation. The website’s registration is recent, which is another red flag. At the time we investigated, the domain name was still fresh. The images used on the site don’t accurately represent the products being sold. There’s no customer service phone number provided on the site, and the website doesn’t have any presence on social media platforms.
A fake store scam is a fraudulent scheme where a website pretends to be a legitimate online store. They display products that are either non-existent or of extremely low quality. These sites often copy content from other legitimate sites and lack any originality. They usually don’t provide any customer service contact information and have no presence on social media. The goal is to trick customers into making purchases, after which they either receive nothing or a product that is vastly inferior to what was advertised.