7 months ago


Fake stores

Customers have raised concerns about Baysideshoewarehouse.shop, claiming it’s a fraudulent online store. The pictures displayed on the site don’t accurately represent the products being sold. The website is riddled with incomplete pages, filled with generic content and placeholder text. The company’s presence is notably absent on social media platforms. The site lacks a customer service phone number. The products advertised on this online platform are knock-offs, potentially posing a risk due to the substandard quality of materials used in their production.

A fake store scam involves a fraudulent online shop that lures customers with the promise of low prices on high-quality goods. However, the products sold are often counterfeit or of inferior quality, and customer service is typically non-existent.

Red Flags

Fake images
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No social media
A fake store scam is a fraudulent scheme designed by con artists to deceive innocent consumers. Often, these scams involve the creation of a phony online store that mimics a legitimate one. Scammers use sophisticated techniques to make their fake stores appear real. This includes professional-looking websites, attractive product images, and enticing discounts or deals. On these websites, you may find products offered at incredibly low prices. These prices are often too good to be true. Scammers use this strategy to attract unsuspecting buyers and entice them to make a purchase. Once a purchase is made, the buyer will likely never receive the product. In some cases, they might receive a counterfeit or substandard item. The scammers then disappear with the money, leaving the buyer with a loss and no recourse. In other instances, these fake stores are set up to capture sensitive information. The scammers use this information for identity theft or other malicious activities. Remember it's essential to be cautious about where you shop online to avoid falling prey to such scams.


People have reported Internationalcourierline.com as a fraudulent logistics website. At its discovery, the website had only been in existence for 19 days. Notably, the site lacks a phone number for customer service. Counterfeit products are the offerings on this website, which might be harmful due to the use of substandard materials in their manufacture. The […]


Forextradingexchanges.com is under suspicion for perpetrating an investment fraud. They lure investors with promises of high returns, only to disappear with their money once it is invested. Notably, the company lacks a presence on any social media platforms. Multiple unfinished pages on the website are filled with generic content and placeholder text. The partnerships they […]


Luminaryoption.com has been identified as a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange. It lures investors with the promise of substantial profits. However, once the investment is made, the fraudsters abscond with the funds. This scam came to light when the website was just 84 days old. The site purports to operate under a business name that lacks registration […]


Shopfurnitureus.shop is operating a deceptive scheme, selling counterfeit items through their online platform. The products they advertise are not genuine and could potentially be harmful due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The company has yet to establish a presence on social media platforms, which is a common practice for legitimate businesses. A […]


Teamhopeus.com has been reported in the online scam category on February 27, 2023. Teamhopeus.com is a newly registered domain name, the registration date is February 1, 2023. At the time of the complaint, the website was only 26 days old. The ownership of the website is hidden using a third-party privacy service. No customer support […]

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